This is Beijing's 2010 TV- series adaptation of the classic 1700s novel, about the tragic love of Bao Yu and Tai Yu. The story also focuses on the rise and decline of the four notable families and the revolts of the many servants and nurses in Grand View Garden.
My mom and I saw several episodes of this series and she said that it follows the novel more closely than the beloved 1987 TV series. However, the overall execution of this version pales in comparison with its 1987 counterpart. The costumes were less vibrant and colorful and the characters' make-up and hairstyles look like Chinese opera troupe members. The music sounded like generic canned soundtrack and doesn't come close with the majestic and elegant songs of the 1987 version. And, the cinematography just appeared washed out and too dreamy, not very realistic.
So, overall, not a very successful adaptation of the novel, in my opinion.
Grade D-