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(I) (2009)

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Through the eyes of children.
PippinInOz24 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have not been able to stop thinking about this film since viewing it for the first time yesterday afternoon. Quite remarkable. As always, plenty of reviewers have provided first class descriptions of the actual story already, so I will cut to the chase.

For me this film deals with several themes:

'When I was a child, I thought as a child' (Rudyard Kipling 'If')

It is no accident that the young girls who are the foci of this tale are living in an isolated English boarding school, ON AN ISLAND. This works both literally and metaphorically. The island, named 'Stanley Island' seems to me to have allusions to Miss. G's 'stories' of her travels around the world, particularly her stories of adventures in 'exotic' locales. 'Stanley' was the explorer who, upon meeting up with fellow explorer Livingstone, apparently said: 'Livingstone I presume.' He was also a self - mythologiser and - according to fellow explorer - a brutal racist.

Considering the self mythologising of Miss G. and her eager for information about the World outside of their 'Island' girls, this is entirely appropriate.

Words create truth. Words weave a truth.

While Miss G. tells her stories of her 'travels' and constructs her own World through her words and her audience of young girls, the girls do not yet have the experience or maturity to fully understand just what is going on. To me anyway, right from the beginning, this is a hint of the abuse to come. Children who have been abused, both physically and mentally, often speak much later in life of not having the words to articulate what was going on. The vulnerability of the girls is always there, even in some of the most beautifully filmed scenes - of which there are many.

Look out for the opening scenes where Di and Miss G. are in the rowing boat, Di is clearly smitten by her exotic teacher. The camera shots here tell us a lot. We see Miss G. through the misty eyes of a young, inexperienced, isolated girl - those early scenes of Miss G. are the creation of the girls' idolatry.

Watch how this breaks down. When Fiamma arrives from Spain, a young girl who is well traveled and has experienced life in the wider world, the 'cracks' of the title begin to appear. We start seeing Miss. G through Fiamma's eyes, she looks a bit more 'crazed', a bit more mad.

Also, watch out for the scenes when Miss. G is not in the school grounds - perhaps the most telling scene in the film for me, which genuinely chilled me, was when Miss G goes into the little village to buy a few things. She is talking to herself, distracted and clearly unstable.

This is how you and I would see her.

It is how Fiamma sees her. Her terror is real and totally understandable. She 'sees' clearly the unstable creature Miss G. actually is.

When the girls celebrate the Feast of St. Agnes, drinking and eating a midnight feast, someone is going to be the offering. St. Agnes is the Saint of Virgins. Fiamma, drunk, is led away by Miss G and raped. The young girls, once again knowing something isn't 'quite right' but not having the experience of maturity to articulate in their heads just what is happening.

The victim becomes the pariah, as Di cannot cope with what she has seen her previously adored teacher doing through the 'crack' in the door.

Di - short for Diana - is the Goddess of the Hunt, and she leads the girls through the woods chasing the asthmatic and traumatised Fiamma. Fiamma is the Virgin Martyr.

Di escapes the Island, clutching the map she drew for Fiamma earlier in the film. All of the young girls are victims of abuse to some extent. Their minds have been toyed with and manipulated. What is more, no adult seems to notice - or care.

Probably Miss G as well. We never learn her 'back story' but something has happened to her during her time at the school. When the older teacher points to an old school photograph of her, she also refers to some 'scandal' in her past. She has never left 'the Island' and probably never will. Again, literal and metaphorical.

I heartily recommend this film. It's study of abuse is subtle and all the more horrifying for it. It is a reminder of just how vulnerable we all were as children at school, boarding or day school. Before we had the words and worldliness to articulate the many different kinds of abuses there are in the World.
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The most important thing in life is desire … Cracks
jaredmobarak16 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It is time to welcome a new member into the Scott family of filmmakers. Ridley's daughter Jordan Scott has arrived with Cracks, a story about a London boarding school and the activities that occur within, based on a novel by Sheila Kohler. Scott spoke of how growing up in a similar type setting is what led her to want to bring the tale to the big screen; the traditional atmosphere where the establishment itself becomes every student's world. The girls in the film speak about "home" yet never in detail or with a clear memory as to what they are missing. Many had been sent for a year or less only to find that they were trapped, sent away for the entirety of their youth. Scott really has a handle on the material and gets the aesthetic just right, from the environment, the costumes, the attitudes, and the cliquish superiority complex that comes with an isolated upbringing where your teacher is queen and you her conduit to the little people.

It starts by giving an idea of what life is like at the school through the diving team. Coached by Eva Green's Miss G, an ex-pupil that stayed on upon graduation, the team has a hierarchy corresponding to the ages of the girls. Led by Juno Temple's Di Radfield, along with her cohort and lackey Poppy, played by Imogen Poots, the girls rule the school. Radfield most assuredly has a complex and need to be on top—she makes butter, in one instance, at risk of getting in trouble and then puts an underling in her place when the piece of bread given to her is lacking; she got the butter for them so she better have as much as she wants—and therefore becomes threatened when her kingdom is invaded by a Spanish princess. María Valverde's Fiamma has had some sort of relationship with a boy outside her class system and, as punishment to reform, been sent to the English school. In her mind it's just a warning and will only last a short time, but she soon finds out that is what all the other girls, there for years, thought at the start too.

Fiamma is the catalyst that shakes things up and turns the school's tenuous equilibrium upside-down. A threat to Radfield and Poppy, she is also the embodiment of all that Miss G hoped her life would be. Wanting to be the idol of the girls, maybe even staying to teach because it was the only way she could pretend to have lived out her dreams, the stories she tells of her worldly travels soon are proved false by the fact Fiamma can recite the exact words, having read the books Miss G steals from. It's a fascinating role reversal and mirroring of idolatry when you watch Radfield's desire to please and ultimately become Miss G trumped by Miss G's own hope and want to do the same with Fiamma. Here is a grown woman filled with jealousy and vanity, becoming one of her students in mentality and action. The problem with this, however, is the fact that she is a person of power. Able to get her way due to the very fact she is counted upon to watch over these girls, an abuse of her job risks becoming a destruction of trust and a surefire way to destroy her own life as a result.

One must credit all involved for doing a bang-up job at enveloping the audience in this world; imbuing a sense of realism, bringing the past in front of our eyes. Besides the actresses named above, the entire rest of the cast are virtual unknowns, many of whom—the youngsters especially—are just local boarding school students themselves, brought on to perform. Three of the girls actually all went to the same school as well, so everyone involved knew what went into this closed off society; this world governed and policed by its own rules. Jordan Scott wanted it all to have a sense of fairy tale-like splendor, which is why she put it on the island setting she did. Feeling as though in an environment like New Zealand or some other exotic locale, she was able to transport these girls to a new world, one where they were separated from reality and able to live for each other without foreign interference … until Fiamma's arrival of course.

While the beginning of the film is effective due to its period authenticity and performances, the story itself is somewhat sleight. There isn't much going on besides some adolescent girl bickering and jockeying for praise and approval with Miss G. By no means is it bad or boring, I just hoped for more conflict and weight, something that does come in towards the end, a little too late though. Once we begin to see how far both Radfield and Miss G will go to win the affections of the person they desire, the stakes do get higher and darker. The tension is ratcheted up and a Lord of the Flies type feel seeps in, amping up both the acting and visual style. Scott utilizes the forest and outdoors more here, blocking characters through trees in a foreboding way, letting camera angles and facial expressions speak rather than words. I realize that the opening hour and a half or so is needed to allow for the stellar final twenty minutes, but maybe the danger could have been alluded to earlier. What first just seemed to be conflict between the girls doesn't open up to the possibility of their teacher's inclusion until much later on. Ms. Scott definitely has a bright future ahead of her if Cracks is any indication. Much more than the familial pedigree that precedes her, I believe she will be standing on her own as an artist very soon.
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Interesting Film
Prodigy_Enlighten14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance "cracks" appears to be a not to well constructed drama about boarding school life for girls in the 1930's, show casing exactly what you would expect from such a drama, the cliques the language, the strict teaching codes and the unruly (for the time) girls.

Although at this point the story isn't all that interesting it is worth noting that the Acting from Mrs G (Eva Green) and Di (Juno Temple) is excellent.

As the film progresses and Fiamma (María Valverde) is introduced things actually take a turn for the better. Observing the Cliques reaction to the foreign intruder, a notably pretty, well dressed and talented intruder, is extremely entertaining.

The switching of loyalties and the revelations of flaws with in the perfect "miss G" begin to captivate the audience and eventually i will admit I was quite involved in the story.

This film is definitely worth a watch if you have a free afternoon to indulge the more slow paced side of cinema.

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At a wealthy boarding school, a dangerous love triangle erupts into savagery when a repressed teacher targets a precocious aristocrat.
pameladegraff21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tense and suspenseful, Cracks is a well-paced, carefully crafted period piece. It is about the consequences of creating insular environments which breed mean-spirited hierarchies and draw ill-motivated authority figures. Situations in which the authority figures empower, reward and smile upon petty tyrants because they share the same deviant mindset and orientation.

In this offbeat tale of hatred and hazing, the cloistered children of favored society engage in cruel conformity at an all-girls' school in rural 1934 England. The story focuses on an elite Brody set of girls who comprise the academy's token diving team. The girls are mentored by their vapid instructor and swim coach, Miss G. (Green). (An apparent tribute to Muriel Sparks's novel and film, The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie.) None of the students are really happy or normal. They are the issue of the minor gentry. Their absentee parents unceremoniously dump them off at St. Mathilda, and never return. Disposing of their kids frees the adults to pursue their lavish lifestyles. And the girls know it. The polite rejection, combined with a stifling parochial environment turns the kids into seething stew-pots of repressed self-doubt and resentment.

A titled Spanish heiress arrives. She is a precocious and cultured patrician. Of course the other girls retaliate. Fiamma (Valverde) becomes a magnet for their jealousy, licentiousness and rage. While most of the girls lament that their parents seem to have forgotten about them and will never bring them home again, privileged Fiamma is vocally confident that her stretch will be short. Fiamma enjoys lavish gifts and delicacies from home. She shares them with her classmates while regaling them with wondrous tales of travel experiences and folklore. This only make things worse.

Di Rutfield (Temple), the swim team captain, is at once overshadowed and out-performed. Fiamma outflanks her socially, culturally, intellectually, and most devastatingly of all, athletically. Di no longer sets the bar by which the other girls are measured. To the contrary, she must now measure up to it.

More perilously, Di has lost her favored status as the apple of Miss G's eye. Coveted, courted and pampered by the girls' diving coach, Di was bonded to her by a barely suppressed. mutual undercurrent of romantic and sexual high voltage. Upon Fiamma's debut, Miss G's attentions shift to the enigmatic new enchantress.

My own snobby boarding school wasn't Catholic, and it was well enough administered that there was a minimum of clique exclusiveness, hazing and cruelty. But oh my, do I ever recognize the personality of Miss G. She is a tortured closet lesbian, perpetually titillated by her juvenile charges. A bundle of insecurities and self-perceived inadequacies, Miss G. fortifies her ego by reveling in the matriarchal power or her position. She is quietly desperate, dangling on a smoldering time-fuse, and primed for an angry episode of sexually frustrated, catastrophic hysteria at the first hint of a substantial challenge to her authority.

Damningly, Miss G. is also a fraud who recites adventures from Mary Kingsley's Travels To West Africa (1897), claiming the experiences to be her own. Having been at St. Mathilda continuously since she was a schoolgirl, Miss G. convinces her students that she's a feisty, liberated explorer. Fiamma really has traveled however, and Miss G resents it. Gifted, independent, rebellious by the standard of the day, it's obvious Fiamma is more wordily and educated than Miss G.

Miss G. loves Fiamma, and she hates her. She wants to alternately kiss and slap the girl. Miss G. is drowning in a swirling infusion of hormonal captivation and intimidated insecurity. She veils her own closeted sexuality and verboten urges for Fiamma behind a tenuous mask of low key hostility. Churning under her increasingly strained visage lurks a poisonous cocktail of spite, infatuation, and abject lust. Tensions amplify. Fiamma, Di, and Miss G. square off. Together they plunge into a sensational maelstrom of bitter jealously, taboo coitus, madness, and salacious mayhem.

As in William Golding's novel Lord Of The Flies, there's an irony at play in Cracks. In Golding's work, which has inspired several films, schoolboys are sent away from England to protect them from war violence. Yet they promptly do battle with each other upon being shipwrecked. Becoming utter barbarians, they revert to the trees within hours of marooning.

In Cracks the girls study Christian values, social and intellectual refinement, self control and etiquette. When Fiamma smashes their authoritarian hierarchy, the schoolgirls' cultural and humanist graces evaporate. Collectively, they atavistically plunge to the lowest common denominator of bilious rivalry, sexual jealousy and brutality.

Cracks carries strong shadings of the Muriel Sparks novel and film, The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie, but it takes a dark departure. Tense, suspenseful, Cracks' gorgeous cinematography and top tier production values accentuate its thoughtfully plotted storyline. The result is a salacious firecracker of a picture! Cracks is a must-see experience for fans of such films as Heavenly Creatures, Loving Annabelle, and Picnic At Hanging Rock.
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Unexpectedly dark, with excellent performances
I_Ailurophile21 November 2022
The foundations are similar: a tightly regimented boarding school, and one cavalier staff member who encourages nonconformity and an independent spirit. From this basis arises themes of social cliques, jealousy and unequal obsession, petty cruelty, secrets, anxieties, a facade and pretense belying actual lack of knowledge or experience, and still more story or character ideas lending to considerable tension. None of this is particularly remarkable, perhaps, save for the extremity to which all such notions are taken - where other titles have explored such ideas with a mind toward light fantasy, or coming of age, 'Cracks' instead becomes astoundingly bleak, and almost altogether horrifying. For all that, it's increasingly compelling, though one way or another this ranges from "hard to watch" to "surely not appealing for all."

The movie does boast concrete narrative threads, especially in the character arc of Miss G, though they are loosely assembled such that strictly speaking it never feels like we're being propelled in a specific direction. All this may not sound like much, but as the length advances and dynamics become more severe, the tableau becomes unexpectedly dark and forceful, and likewise more actively engaging as events build toward some inevitably terrible conclusion. Through it all I can only commend the cast for their fine performances, not least the younger members of the ensemble. Juno Temple, María Valverde, and Imogen Poots portray the chief students Di, Fiamma, and Poppy with vibrant life and harsh personality, such that even if the story were centered only on these three it would be quite absorbing. Eva Green, meanwhile - force of nature that she is, able to speak volumes with only the slightest of gazes or facial expressions - has rarely taken on a role so unremittingly dreary as Miss G. That says a lot, given her list of credits; either way, as expected she navigates the part with all the tremendous nuance and skill we know she possesses.

Ultimately 'Cracks' comes off more as a character drama than anything else, a slant which may serve in some measure to limit its audience. Such as it is, however, at length I believe the writing and direction are wonderfully strong, tying together a feature that can also claim fabulous filming locations, production design, art direction, and costume design. Overall I think this is very worthwhile on its own merits; however, even at its most taut and grim it's never perfectly captivating. I enjoyed watching, yet it also feels like something is missing, one or two puzzle pieces without which the image is less than whole. It's hard to put into words exactly what the issue is, though in any case this is purely subjective. And even if it's not flawless, by and large I'm pleased to have spent time with this movie, and it earns a soft recommendation. Suggested above all for fans of Green or the other cast members, 'Cracks' may not be entirely essential, but it's a well made picture, and worth checking out if you have the chance.
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Haunting, impactful drama
gridoon202421 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A carefully made, intelligent, powerful film that makes you wonder, among other things, why director Jordan Scott (the daughter of Ridley) has not had the opportunity to make anything else since 2009. It is a film that demands your attention: just when you think you may know where it is heading, it turns the other way. At first, it appears to be the story of a non-conformist teacher inspiring her devoted students; then, it seems to be about the jealously of the teacher's favorite student when she feels she's in danger of being overshadowed by a new arrival; then it looks like the teacher admires the new arrival because she has so much in common with her; and finally, it turns into something else, something darker, leading to a tragedy that has a real impact on the viewer. Exceptional performances, appropriate musical scoring and beautiful photography add to the experience. *** out of 4.
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Good but predictable story line
wennek14 December 2009
The story is quite good, easy to follow and the movie illustrates well how jealousy can result in bullying and ultimately into hate. Beautiful water shots and interesting story. The story is set in 1930's England and the arrival of a beautiful cultured girl stirs up everything. She's beautiful and talented but the school she is attending is backwards thinking and it seems that everybody just wants to carry on with the way the school has been run. The new Spanish pupil has a health condition which takes a predictable turn into the movie which a shame. Otherwise very good movie and well thought through dialogs.

The end is a bit short and abrupt.
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Intriguing psychological thriller
adamonIMDb14 February 2017
'Cracks' is a low-key, slow burning psychological drama with a dark and unexpected ending. The emphasis on dialogue and character development makes for a pleasant surprise and is not something you typically expect from a modern day thriller.

I thought Eva Green delivered the stand out performance of the film as the mysterious and unpredictable Miss G. She was excellent throughout. The film does well to sustain tension for large parts of the film as the relationship between Fiamma, her classmates and Miss G develops. Despite its slow pace, 'Cracks' is never short on drama.

Those who enjoy unpredictable and tense psychological thrillers should give this film a chance. It is one of the more thoughtful and intelligent thrillers out there.
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We can become devils or angels, but as children, we are both
siderite5 June 2010
The film also reminded me of Lord of the Flies. It was like a cinematic challenge: can the same horror emerge from the humanity of children if they are girls, not boys, and they are in a prestigious English school, not lost on a wild island. The answer is yes! I feel that I spoil quite a lot saying more, so enough said.

This film is very well played by all actors, including the young girls, directed beautifully and using both impressive scenery and great costumes. What I found a little odd was the speed with which the girls were switching from best friends to evil witches and back again. I am told children are like that, so I should have probably ignored that some of the girls there were hot as hell and considered them all well under age.

Eva Green played a complex character, easy to sympathize with at times, easy to loathe at others. She carried this film almost to perfection.

Bottom line: I kept this film in my private collection. I think it is a must see.
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henry8-318 March 2024
Set in the 1930s, Eva Green is Miss G, a swimming / diving instructor at an exclusive girls boarding school and adored by her team of girls, captained by Di played by Juno Temple. They are enthralled by her tales and claims of worldly experience and travel which soon turns out not to be true. In fact, the team dynamic soon changes when an actual worldly wise and travelled Spanish girl joins the school who Miss G favours much to the anger of the other girls, particularly Di.

There has been some criticism that this is largely atmosphere over plot and there is some justification for this. That said, as with many sinister school stories, there are vicious undertones here and it all neatly builds through considerable tension to a shocking finale. Everyone in this is does a fine job and Eva Green has always been cut out for this sort of role, supported here by the growing stardom and acting talent of Juno Temple.
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Psychological drama at a girl's boarding school
Leofwine_draca9 August 2016
CRACKS is an intense psychological drama set in a boarding school for girls. The storyline is quite predictable insofar as such topics as passion, lust, sex, bullying, abuse, peer group pressure, and power politics are brought to the fore, and they're all subjects that have been done previously on film. Yet at the same time this low budget production has a sheen of quality to it, an air of lyricism that makes it watchable.

Eva Green headlines as the seductive teacher who's a subject of affection for many of the girls in her care. Green can do no wrong in my eyes and gives a typically assured and confident role. Juno Temple is the main villain of the piece and is well cast because there's something repulsive about her character that Temple nails ever so well. The rest of the cast are fine, although Maria Valverde is never quite as sympathetic as she should be.

CRACKS is a slow moving film in which little really happens until the end, and yet there is some suspense here, as well as drama. Nothing is very explicit and yet the themes explored are nonetheless powerful, and the ending is suitably horrific. It's not the sort of film that's going to set the world on fire, but it engrosses all the same.
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A Masterpiece
Francesca_315 November 2012
A very nice person suggested me to transcribe, what I actually wrote on boards about this movie, as a review, so here we go. In the first place, I decided that this movie became one of my all-time favourites... and why is that I 'decided'? Because the more I thought of this movie after watching it, the more I liked it. And what I mean by that is, the main reason I loved this film, would probably be because of the feeling it generated on me. It felt like I was reading a book, an actual & good one, you know, because of its twists, its dramatic scenes and the complexity of its characters & emotions.

I liked the way it explores human emotions and relationships but centered in a darker side, let's just say. The dichotomy showed was so well made. It was all so real and so unreal at the same time. Besides, it certainly shows us the thin line that exists between desire and obsession. PLUS, the fact that such things are still going on nowadays, which makes it very realistic.

Even though I do know this movie is in fact based on a book, I can't really comment from that perspective since I didn't read it, but anyway that's not my point here... The way I see it, In my opinion, this film is so smart, intriguing, fascinating and so beautifully executed that not only will stay with you long afterwards but also will make you talk, comment about it with others, you know, and that's just simply the kind of movie I love to watch but unfortunately, there aren't enough films like this.

In addition to that: The cinematography was just... breathtaking. The locations... esthetically pleasing. The soundtrack... impeccable. The wardrobe... simply gorgeous.

And well, what to say about the actings? They were just... impressive, top-notch, especially Eva Green's one, which was jaw-dropping. She literally gave me the chills with her performance. She left me fascinated. That being said, Jordan Scott you are (ei) genius! Needless to say, I'm looking forward to see more of your work.
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Worth watching but better if you don't have high expectations
acadanna13 March 2012
Cracks left me with mixed feelings. On the plus side, I kept thinking about the film after it ended. On the negative side, I kept thinking about things that felt not quite right.

The film feels long and a bit predictable in the second half, but the character dynamics are interesting and the cinematography is beautiful.

I was particularly impressed by Juno Temple. The other young actresses are good too - it's fascinating to watch the group mentality. Eva Green seems to be cultivating and sticking to her signature sexy, vulnerable, charismatic style. Her eyes look more enormous than ever and her performance is theatrical. I think I was hoping for more subtlety.

I guess that's the thing about the entire film. It plays at subtlety but really it's quite obvious. Like in the scene where Di consoles a crying Miss G., after the Fiamma incident, I wanted just a fleeting glimpse of the calculated mania in Miss. G.'s eyes, not a drawn out shot.
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"The Most Important Thing In Life Is Desire"
sddavis6319 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a definite edge to it, but in all honesty the edge is somewhat blunted. From the beginning, the situation just doesn't seem right. The movie is set in a girls' boarding school many years ago. The school is isolated, apparently on an island off the English coast. The school has a somewhat strange diving team (the point is eventually made that this team never competes against any other team) led by an attractive and charismatic coach known as Miss G (played by Eva Green.) Miss G's relationship with the team is more than just a student-teacher or coach-diver relationship. There's a closeness to the relationship, and particularly with Di (Juno Temple) - the team's captain. The relationship is strained by the arrival of a beautiful and talented newcomer named Fiamma (Maria Valverde). Fiamma is especially isolated. She's from Spain and so is completely out of her element, she comes from some type of aristocratic family and so there may be class issues and she immediately becomes Miss G's new pet - much to the dismay of Di, who had previously held that role. There was that degree of edginess in all this, but not much more. Things just weren't quite right. The movie picks up and becomes quite unsettling when the girls hold their "midnight feast" a little more than halfway through.

Fiamma - having taken part in the feast - gets drunk. Miss G discovers her passed out and takes her out of the dorm and back to her own room. It's a bit unclear exactly what happens at this point, but it seems clear that Miss G lives up to the lesson she taught her team early on in the movie ("the most important thing in life is desire.") We know that at the very least she molests the drunken Fiamma. Whether anything more than what's portrayed on screen happens we don't know, of course, nor do we know for sure how long Fiamma is in the room with Miss G. The incident, however, sparks the movie and leads up to tragic results.

Unfortunately, I thought this fizzled out a bit at the end. An edgy movie didn't end with too much of an edge. What stood out for me was the conviction of the headmistress that whatever tragedy had happened, what mattered was not the truth, but protecting the school's reputation. It's OK. Edgy at times, yes, but with an edge that's a bit blunt. (5/10)
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Surprisingly good drama about fatal attraction
Gordon-1123 June 2010
This film is about a young female teacher in a prestigious British boarding school. She develops a special interest in one of her pupils, causing catastrophic changes in group dynamics.

"Cracks" is such a big surprise. It is technically well made, with great cinematography throughout. The best thing is that the plot is well told, it is engaging throughout the whole story. Every emotion and feeling is conveyed by expert story telling, such as the mood of the scene and the body language of actresses. They draw viewers into their world, and into their feelings. One can easily tell Miss G's attraction, confusion and panic; Di's jealousy and Fiamma's emotional change throughout the film. Such an empathy inducing film is rarely seen nowadays.

I do recommend "Cracks", and I hope it will reach a wider audience.
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Very different than the synopsis depicts.
rubylerouge8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Eva Green, so jumped at a chance to see a flick of hers I hadn't seen before. The story is engaging, and well acted on all parts, but it is not a tale of a consensual affair, and had Eva Green's character been played by a man instead, I believe the synopsis would be much different, as would the average review. This is a story about a teacher who becomes obsessed with an approx. 13 year old student and molests her in her sleep, not an affair. This is a story about child molestation. There is little to go on by the cover, one would assume that the student is late high school age at least and had consented and been seduced. No. Not at all. Were someone who had been molested to see this movie without knowing its true nature, I think it could be traumatic.
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Nice complex story but missing a few things.
mariamshehab9 November 2021
I loved the complexity of the character miss G; however the obsession she had for tiama was too quick to be believable and i wish they told us more about her backstory and why she is the way she is; i noticed that outside the school or her students she is a completely different person maybe even with social anxiety. Overall the movie is not a bad one i just feel that it is overly dramatic and exaggerated.
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Timely Drama in view of 2011 Penn State Scandal
vitaleralphlouis3 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Filmmakers and many reviewers do not want to tell you what this movie is about. Too bad; honesty might have led to greater success.

Set in an upper-class English all-girl boarding school in 1934, this is

about the deadly and tragic impact a lesbian teacher has on the children put in her charge. How her advances on her victim are rejected and how she deceives the other girls to turn vengeance on her victim.

This teacher has stayed-behind-to-teach because the teaching occupation provides a field of opportunity to seduce students. Quite like Penn State, revealed just recently.

CRACKS is 180 degrees in contrast to "The History Boys" -- a film and play in which Homosexual groping of students (as in Penn State) is portrayed as jolly fun for the teachers, and a gay teacher who does not molest his students is mocked, as are the school officials who seek to end the child abuse.

In CRACKS, the teacher who abuses her students is unquestionably presented as evil, and nothing in the storyline excuses her actions; nor should it.

Jordan Scott has done a fine job with good acting and character development. The cinematography is superb.
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Nothing stands between miss G and her desires
AnthonyMeg13 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't fully grasped the theory behind the movie yet I liked it ,The film evinces through the screen the teenagers' credulity and innocence versus their susceptibility to envy and evil traits , if you ever wondered how insane life would look like if one "especially child" trapped inside religious institution where you have no clue about the real outside world except through the eyes of a teacher whom herself been raised at the same institution doesn't know much apart from what she've read off fairytales stories , everyone's life turned upside down including the teacher who will be exposed at the end, when aristocrat newcomer girl join the school and the beloved , looked up to , miss G fell in love with her , I'm convinced she sees a reflection of herself on her only if she hadn't been confined at that boarding school it's really different kind of movie go watch it now .
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Great find!
Taylor9512 September 2013
I came across this film out of desperation the other night...just wanting to watch something decent. What I found was a gem of a movie. I wasn't familiar with anyone in the cast except Eva Green from Dark Shadows, who I didn't really have an opinion of either way and I'm not a fan of boarding school movies of any sort, but I watched it anyway.

Eva Green, as Miss G, was completely captivating and I could picture myself having a school girl crush on her when I was in high school...or heck, maybe even now. Her character comes across as educated, well traveled and totally alluring in every way...until a Spanish transfer student comes to the school and she begins to unravel.

The film is beautifully shot and the music is a perfect compliment to it. I really can't wait to see what else Jordan Scott does next.
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Beautifully shot
whatithinkis19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Directed and performed. Flawless.

Except for the fact that this really is a film about pedophilia. If the abusive 'quirky' woman teacher had been a man this would never have seen the light of whatever device you use to watch.

It is exquisite and complex.

Determining how to rate it I found it be complex as well.

The central issue of the film is ultimately the sexual abuse of a young girl rendered helpless by alcohol. Raped by her quirky teacher and then murdered by her fellow schoolmates, in thrall to said quirky teacher, to cover it up.

At issue for this viewer is the beautification of it all. How does one rate that . . .
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Style over substance
polymorf27 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You'd expect this movie to look good, coming as it does courtesy of the Scott brothers (Tony and Ridley produced it) and young Jordan Scott who has made a competent and pretty result. Beyond that it goes downhill quickly.

A story from the lesbian end of the Mills & Boon shelf is full of public school cliché and a love of style over substance. The acting is at times over-wrought and at other times the script is laughably predictable. The girls' characters range from the beautiful princess (literally) to the overweight clumsy one and their relationships follow arcs that one can see coming from miles away. As someone else mentioned, the bakery scene is slightly baffling, unless one sees it as a madness/agoraphobic moment. Echoes of Lord of the Flies don't help either as that was a superior product in every way.
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'The most important thing in life is desire'
robert-temple-112 April 2010
This is an amazingly brilliant film directed by the young Jordan Scott, who is female despite being called Jordan. She is the daughter (I almost said the son) of Ridley Scott and niece of Tony Scott, and after seeing this film I believe she has more artistic talent than both of them put together. It is simply incredible what she achieves in her portrait of an adult driven to madness by desire for a beautiful young creature, and her film really rivals Luchino Visconti's DEATH IN VENICE (1971) in my opinion, although in this film both the desired and the desirer are female, whereas in Visconti's film based on the Thomas Mann novella DER TOD IN VENEDIG, they were both male. (I once had to read the Mann novella in German and nearly fainted when I found a single sentence which was one and a half pages long with the main verb at the end! But that was Mann for you! Delayed gratification!) This film is set in the surreal setting of a remote girl's boarding school on 'Stanley Island' (wherever that is, as we are not told) in the year 1934. The school as seen in the film, a kind of Victorian Gothic pedagogical fantasy, apparently really exists as a structure somewhere in Ireland. But the geographical location is not really important, all that is needed for the story is the visual impression, the sea adjoining, the wild surrounding hills, and the isolation. This we certainly get, and the outside world barely exists in this hot house of passionate longings, schoolgirl intrigues, extreme homesickness verging on hysteria, and the coursing hormones of teenage girls who never get to see a boy. They are all in love with their mysterious and alluring mistress, 'Miss G.', played by the spectacularly weird and wonderful Eva Green (pronounced 'grain' because her father is Swedish and that is what they do there in Sweden during the long winter nights, they pronounce Green as 'grain'). Miss G. dresses exquisitely and has the finest imaginable artistic colour sense and personal style of dress and manner. The costumes in this film are a total knockout, designed by the super-talented Alison Byrne. A great deal of talent was also lavished on the sets and art direction. This is a real treat to the eye. As a production it is stunning in every respect. The fiery personality of Juno Temple (Juno was the Latin name for the queen of the gods, gedditt?, so of course she has to have a Temple) burns holes in the celluloid with her glowering stares of love, resentment, passion, jealousy, hatred, devotion, all those things mixed up which teenaged girls tend to have in such an unsorted state in their feverish psyches. She is a perfect screen match for the hyper-intense Eva Green. Juno is in love with Miss G. but Miss G. has no eyes for her anymore since the arrival of the super-cool, super-calm, super-beautiful Spanish dream dish, played by Spanish actress Maria Valverde, a silent brooding siren who drives Miss G. insane (literally, not just metaphorically). Despite the erotically charged atmosphere of this film, the director is too subtle to allow a single sexual scene. The most we see is Miss G. kissing Maria's neck, but that is enough to get Juno Temple so hysterical with jealousy that she precipitates a Twilight of the Goddesses, herself included. This is steamy stuff, very steamy stuff indeed, and all done without anybody touching anybody. Miss G. presides over a special collection of nymphets who form the school diving team. The team has never competed and the divers are pretty hopeless, but that all changes when the Spanish girl Fiamma turns up. She is an impeccably-dressed aristocrat of considerable sophistication, and all the girls hate her on sight because she is more beautiful and self-possessed than they are. Later, some of them soften. But Juno's main concern is that Fiamma has stolen Miss G.'s affections from her, and that is not to be tolerated. Fiamma suffers from serious asthma and has an inhaler, and, well, you can imagine the ensuing events. Miss G's steady personality disintegration, under the influence of her stifled lesbian passions, and her descent into a kind of sleep-walking insanity over her obsession with Fiamma, are so brilliantly and horrifyingly portrayed by Eva Green that we wonder if she had to go to a sanitarium for some months to recover after making this intense film. As for Juno Temple, I do hope she can now sit up and speak again. It is all very harrowing, deeply disturbing, and so seething with suppressed but never overtly articulated sexuality that they must still be trying to cool down the camera in an ice bucket. As they say in the horrible tabloid newspapers: 'Corrrrr, what a scorcher!'
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Dark And Deep
AngelHonesty1 February 2024
I had no idea what I was in for. Not what I expected in the slightest. Be prepared for something dark. There's no love in this movie. Can one person represent everything that's wrong in this world? The movie might just give you the answer.

For the first half of the film I couldn't figure out what the plot or point of the movie was. And then it took a dramatic turn for the unexpected. By the end of the movie I wasn't sure if I should cry or rage in anger. I was left feeling both emotions.

The film followers the basic lives of a few girls in a catholic boarding school. We watch as a new girl, who is a princess comes to the school. There is a teacher who seems beautiful and wonderful. And as we endure this slow moving film we see the truth of how twisted people can be. The film is very basic with its scenery and story to the point it almost get boring but then picks up drastically after the one hour point. The cast is absolutely amazing and really holds up the film. There were a lot of filler scenes. There really needed to be more to the first half of the movie to make it more interesting.

"The most important thing in life is desire. You can achieve anything you want. The world is yours for the taking. Nothing is impossible for you, my girls. All you need is desire." - Miss G.
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Soft-Core Porn meets Masterpiece Theater
moriartyreiko3 June 2013
Cracks is a routine girl's-boarding-school melodrama tricked out with glossy production values. Good cast, beautiful location setting, and a trite, trashy script that exploits the usual salacious imaginings about all-girl schools and the women teachers there.

If you dumped Maedchen in Uniform (the 1950s Lilli Palmer version), Lord of the Flies, and Schoolgirl Capers into a blender and hit the "puree" button, this film is about what you'd get.

It's too bad that such fine young actresses as Maria Valverde and Juno Temple submitted themselves to this degrading exercise. And isn't Eva Green simply the reincarnation of Joan Crawford? Those eyes, how familiar they seem....
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