The Four-Faced Liar (2010) was directed by Jacob Chase. Marja Lewis Ryan, the film's writer, is also the star. She plays Bridget, a lesbian who is quirky, foul-mouthed, and very successful at one-night conquests. Todd Kubrak is Trip, Bridget's roommate and best friend. Daniel Carlisle (Greg) has just joined his fiancée Molly (Emily Peck) in the West Village. One of them sees their neighborhood as colorful and charming, while the other sees is as unpleasant and threatening.
Everyone hangs out in a bar called The Four-Faced Liar, and the four of them, along with Trip's fiancée, have a more or less "Friends" type existence, with alcohol substituted for caffeine.
This was an interesting film, with good acting and a solid sense of New York City. It didn't really work for me because the key to the plot is Bridget, and I couldn't believe that this irritating chain-smoker would be perceived as every lesbian's dream lover. If you can't accept Bridget as what she's supposed to be, the rest of the film loses steam.
Still, the movie had its moments, and the next viewer might find it as charming as it's meant to be. We saw the film at the Little Theatre as part of the excellent ImageOut Rochester Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. It should work well on DVD.