- The Analyst: Quietly yearning for what you don't have, while dreading losing what you do. Desire and fear.
- The Merovingian: Art, films, books were all better! Originality mattered! You gave us Face-Zucker-suck!
- Smith: What did you say about our first meeting? We had all the chemistry of an FBI interrogation
- [brief flashback to The Matrix]
- Smith: ...but look at this place. We did this, together.
- Neo: Yeah.
- Smith: Now what? Things have changed. The market's tough. I'm sure you can understand why our beloved parent company, Warner Brothers, has decided to make a sequel to the trilogy.
- Neo: What?
- Smith: They informed me they're gonna to do it with or without us.
- Neo: I thought they couldn't do that?
- Smith: Oh, they can, and they made it clear they would kill our contract if we didn't cooperate.
- Neo: No?
- Smith: I know you said the story was over for you, but that's the thing about stories... they never really end do they? We're still telling the same stories we've always told, just with different names... faces... and... I have to say I'm kind of excited. After all these years, to be going back to where it all started. Back to The Matrix! I've spoken to marketing.
- Smith: You know the difference between us, Tom? Anyone could have been you, whereas I've always been anyone.
- The Analyst: [to Neo] Turns out, in my Matrix, the worse we treat you, the more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce. It's nuts. I've been setting productivity records every year since I took over. And, the best part, zero resistance. People stay in their pods, happier than pigs in shit.
- Trinity: How do you know if you want something yourself or if your upbringing programmed you to want it?
- Sheperd: Everything was simpler back then. People wanted to be free. It's different now. Sometimes it feels like people gave up. Like the Matrix won.
- The Analyst: The sheeple aren't going anywhere. They like my world. They don't want this sentimentality. They don't want freedom or empowerment. They want to be controlled. They crave the comfort of certainty.
- Jude: [talking to Neo] I don't want to blow smoke up your ass, but the first time I played the trilogy, I was... shook... the paradox between free will and destiny. Are we all just algorithms doing what we're supposed to do or can we escape our programming?
- The Analyst: Here's the thing about feelings. They're so much easier to control than facts. Turns out, in my Matrix, the worse we treat you, the more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce. It's nuts. I've been setting productivity records eve ry year since I took over. And, the best part, zero resistance. People stay in their pods, happier than pigs in shit.
- The Analyst: The key to it all? You. And her. Quietly yearning for what you don't have, while dreading losing what you do.
- The Analyst: For 99.9% of your race, that is the definition of reality. Desire and fear, baby.
- Gwyn de Vere: The packet in front of you has our focus group research. Inside you'll find the breakdown, including key word association with the brand, the top two being "originality" and "fresh", which I think are great things to keep in mind as you begin working on Matrix 4... and who knows how many more?
- Smith: Lies, lies and more lies.
- The Analyst: Smith?
- Smith: What has the world come to when you can't even trust a program?
- Smith: Tom and I have more in common than you think. Once he got out, let's just say... I was free to be me.
- The Analyst: Now, my predecessor loved precision. His Matrix was all fussy facts and equations. He hated the human mind. So he never bothered to realize that you don't give a shit about facts.
- The Analyst: It's all about fiction. The only world that matters is the one in here.
- [points Neo's head]
- The Analyst: And you people believe the craziest shit. Why? What validates and makes your fictions real? Feelings.
- The Analyst: Thomas. You seem particularly triggered, can you tell me what happened?
- Neo: I've had dreams that weren't just dreams. Am I crazy?
- The Analyst: We don't use that word here.
- [last lines]
- Trinity: Before we got started, we decided to stop by to say thank you. You gave us something we never thought we could have.
- The Analyst: And what is that?
- Trinity: Another chance.
- [punk rock music playing]
- Smith: I've been thinking about us, Tom. Look how binary is the form, the nature of things. Ones and zeros. Light and dark. Choice and its absence. Anderson and Smith.
- Morpheus: All I'm saying is this is the moment for you to show us what is real. If you want out, you'll take this pill
- [shows Neo the red pill]
- Morpheus: . But if you are where you belong, you can go back to this
- [shows Neo the blue pill]
- Morpheus: , every day, over and over forever.
- Neo: Fuck
- [Neo grabs the red pill]
- Neo: .
- Bugs: That's what the Matrix does. It weaponizes every idea. Every dream. Everything that's important to us.