Right away this doc poses the question if "selling sex can ever be a healthy way to make money". Louis has been down this road before, but 'Selling Sex' approaches the topic by genuinely fleshing out the people doing this line of work. Sad undertones, financial realities & society's judgements. It doesn't break new ground, but it's down to earth nature is inviting and makes for an easy watch.
He talks with a 33 year old single mother of four who's been doing it since she was 29. No mention of the children's father(s) are made, but it left me curious. He also speaks with a retired couple where the wife does it on the side and a 23 year old funding her last year of school who did webcam work before escorting. There's uncomfortable spots, but they're heartfelt because it reminds you these people are human.
As someone who hasn't experienced either side of the coin - the subject is interesting. Fascinating to listen to a male partner who accepts their spouse doing this line of work as an element of hurt lingers beneath the surface. A daughter's uneasy task at 14 years old grasping her mom doing this. A young woman battling mental issues, a broken childhood. Broader issued like whenever they get pleasure from it. Like his brothel journey, Louis gets some talk from the client side and what they get out of it.
Interested in this sexual marketplace or just open minded, this is an intriguing look into a practice that is becoming more common place. Much more accessible in this modern digital age. Where it falls on the morality scale, damage done to those involved is left open to debate. Though illegal in many places, you learn it's above board in the UK too.