This is my introduction to the films of Argentinian writer and director Frederico Tarantola and his campy and trippy and surreal universe. It's the story of seedy private eye Henry Chandler who is commissioned to investigate the Froggys. It seems they plan to invade the town of Tammerlane by Rubik's Cube. Chandler meets an array of freaky characters and the imprisoned Krona girls in a dungeon. I don't know if there clever meaning and metaphors to this film waiting to be discovered but I'll leave that to others. All I can say is that I enjoyed every moment of this film and long for more of it's ilk. If you like weird films and 1960s pop art style and perhaps Monty Python you will probably go for this. Flickering images and atmospheric streetscapes appear before your eyes at times which I found attractive. References to a vortex in certain places that allow for travel through portals was also fascinating for me. The film is free of sex and profanity unless you count the reference to 'mummy's pussy' in the animated advert sequence. It could be that Frederico Tarantola is too individualistic in his film-making to become widely popular but I hope he finds some newly-found fans like myself to appreciate him.