5 of 9 found this mild
There is brief vigorous thrusting detail and rear nudity when a woman walks through a drug house and passes a couple who are having sex.
A scene features non-graphic verbal references to sex work.
4 of 6 found this to have none
Molly and Deb yell at each other, sometimes in tears.
3 of 7 found this moderate
There is use of strong language ('fuck,' 'motherfucker'). Milder terms include 'bitch,' 'whore,' 'shit,' 'crap,' and 'asshole' respectively.
As a guide to the amount of adult language content, there are 53 uses of 'fuck'.
6 of 7 found this severe
Throughout the film there are visual and verbal references to addiction to heroin and other drugs, in addition to brief and infrequent scenes of drug misuse. One sequence shows heroin being injected into a woman's arm, and another scene features a shot of a woman cooking heroin over a spoon, with other addicts sprawled nearby.
Molly smokes cigarettes on several occasions.
Deb drinks a lot of wine.
4 of 6 found this moderate
A woman suffering from acute withdrawal is rushed into hospital.
Scenes of emotional upset.
It's likely upsetting for individuals with personal experience in drug use or treatment.