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Good Movie
bob68k16 October 2007
Listen, this movie does have some comedy in it. It is what it is, and knowing the main characters and subject you are getting what you expect to get. This movie starts out a little slow but eventually builds up into a film that can hold it's own. This movie was fluid enough to keep me entertained and laughing here and there so it's not half bad. The fight scenes are good for the men. There is a romantic side of the movie too for the women,and a cultural touch as well. It is also very patriotic in the sense that it's a military movie and I'm sure many GI's will enjoy this movie too. Give it a chance if you have 90 minutes of free time, you may be surprised.
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Average Comedy
dustinhunter70710 September 2007
I am going to be honest, I thought this movie would be a little funnier than it was but it wasn't a complete disappointment. The first 35 minutes of the movie was just plain retarded and unfunny, then after that it gets a little better. However seeing that the 3 leading comedians were Larry The Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and D.J. Qualls, I still found the funniest guy in this movie to be Keith David. His role as Sgt. Kilgore made me laugh several times more than I laughed at the others, oh and Danny Trejo was pretty good as being the villain and being funny at the same time. But anyways I give this movie a 5 out of 10 because it starts off slow and unfunny, but then it kind of picks up and you might have a few laughs before the end credits start to roll.
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On the level of "Dumb and Dumber"
wsbowles1 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Every now and then I need to watch a dumb movie. The last time I laughed like this was "Dumb and Dumber." This movie doesn't reach that level of dumb, but it's close. The makers of this movie were obviously aiming low and I think they hit their mark. If you are expecting something more than base, lowdown, politically incorrect, bathroom humor, then do not see this movie.

Don't listen to these pseudo-intellectuals who think humor has to be smart. Personally, I think it's healthy to laugh at stupid, and this is pretty stupid. In fact it's so stupid that of the three main characters, Larry the Cable Guy's character is the smart one.

The movie starts off predictable, using jokes and setups from Bill Engvall's and Larry the Cable Guy's comedy acts. But, the movie proceeds into new territory once it gets moving.

I mean c'mon! The three lame "reservists" bury their sergeant, who turns out is not dead, and the person giving the eulogy throws in a final prayer asking God to help him win the Powerball lottery. "I don't care who you are, that's funny."

It is perfect for what it is, and if you watch it with that attitude you'll laugh.
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For rednecks & people under 15 y/o
tyzephyr13 May 2007
I've seen a lot of really bad movies in theaters. Sat through them and suffered. This was only the second movie in my life time that I've actually walked out on. I wish I had left sooner than what I did (I sat through nearly an hour and a half of this crap), I could have gotten a lot more done that day. Seriously, it was nothing but vague references to overdone jokes by both Larry the Cable Guy & Bill Engvall - two comedians who haven't changed their routines in nearly a decade, who by some fluke of nature, still have careers. At one point the movie actually paused to zoom in on Larry, covered with ammo, so he could say "Git-r-done" and rile up all the rednecks in the audience.

Every aspect of this movie was terrible. The acting, the fight scenes, the comedy, even the explosions were terribly boring and pathetic.

What it boils down to is this: Bill Engval & Lary TCG are nothing without Jeff Foxworthy and Ron White. No, the movie wouldn't have been much better with those two on the bandwagon, but it might have at least had some laughable humor in it.
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Quite possible the worst movie in all of history
dbgillespie-120 May 2007
I really wish I could give this movie a negative rating it was just so terribly bad. My date and I were the last people to walk out of the movie; the whole theater was empty about an hour and a half into the movie. The jokes were just not funny. I had a couple of times where I forced a chuckle, if only because I went to the movie really wanting to laugh. The acting, scripts, plot, everything, was pathetic. Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie at all cost. If you really feel the need to dispose of your money so wastefully, you could wire it to me and the money you spent will provide you with the same amount of entertainment. If, after reading this and the other reviews of this travesty of a movie, you still feel you must watch it, wait for it to show up on cable... as bad as this movie is, you probably will not have to wait more than a month before it hits TV.
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Loved it! Laff a minute!
therica9 September 2007
Sorry to see so many negative ratings for this movie. We loved it! Laff a minute! Of COURSE it's silly lame comedy. And it meets its objective well! There are so many funny lines and quips in this movie that we had to keep pausing to finish laughing.

Just watch the movie, if you enjoy silly lame comedy. It's not even all that lame, actually. It's rather creative, in fact. The actors chosen were perfect for their parts. They all played their parts well. Despite the offbeat plot and events, they all work out. Despite the lame humor, the production in all respects is rather fairly well-done, given its intent.
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Larry and Bill should stick to stand-up comedy
stoogedude13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I like Larry the Cable Guy and Bill Engvall. I like their stand up comedy routines. I just do not like their movie Delta Farce.

I put a spoiler warning on here, even though it doesn't really need it, as I doubt anyone will see this, and the plot is so predictable that there wouldn't even be a spoiler, yet there may be one or two people who might want the end kept secret until they see it. But please, wait until it comes to DVD and rent it. Wait until the time it goes from New Release to regular rental where it's much cheaper, or unless you can find the poor bastard who would shell out 20 bucks for this film and borrow it from him or her.

If you want to see this film soon, go to a matinée where it's much cheaper, as I did. Trust me, you'll be glad you didn't shell out 7 bucks for this clunker.

As I said, Larry the Cable Guy and Bill Engvall are funny guys, or at least I think so. I mean, Larry was great in Cars. I don't blame the film on them. I blame the movie on the horrible writing and crappy directing. The writers of the film haven't even written a TV show, yet somehow are qualified to write a nationwide theatrical release (you know that when one of the writers has a first name of Bear, you are not in for a good time). Not that I took this film seriously at the get go, but the fact that they landed in Mexico on the way to IRAQ told me that this whole film was a joke. Keith David and Danny Trejo seemed like Nickelodeon cartoon characters compared to their characters in other movies. They are both pretty intimidating guys in other movies, but not this one.

Since I've got a spoiler warning, I'll give you an idea of the dumb sequences included in this film. Larry, surrounded by perhaps 20 armed Mexicans with their guns pointed directly at him, is asked by Danny Trejo's character if he really thinks he can kill everyone in the room with all of those guns pointed at him. Larry replies, "No, but I can kill just", to where Trejo replies, "Damn, I didn't think of that". That kind of stuff. Trejo reminds me of George Lopez as that plug-in like villain in Sharkboy and Lavagirl (I was forced to watch that film, just as bad as Delta Farce).

I had a couple laughs here and there, but I sat through the film mostly with my head resting in my hands, envying the woman next to me who was sleeping, because some 11 year old kid wouldn't stop braying like a retarded horse throughout the film.

And of course, Larry lands the beautiful girl and makes out with her all the time at the end of the film. It makes Kevin James and Leah Remini from the King of Queens look like Romeo and Juliet.

This film was worse than Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. That's like saying that the Godfather is better than Citizen Kane. Haha, this might be the only time that Godfather and Citizen Kane will be mentioned with Health Inspector and Delta Farce ever.

Larry (sorry, I mean Dan), if you're not going to release a good comedy, then just stick to stand up.

I'm giving this film three for the possible three laughs I had watching this movie.
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Half of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour Presents: Stripes 2: The War on Humor
nalders26 January 2008
This is an unfunny version of Stripes. In fact, it's almost as though they took the script for "Stripes", replaced Bill Murray with Larry the Cable Guy, Russia with Mexico, and cut out most of the humor and wit. It has a bare handful of almost-mildly-amusing moments, and I only laughed because I was drunk. Mostly, though, it's just dumb. Really, really dumb. And not "funny" dumb. Just... dumb.

And what a waste of Marisol Nichols. That woman is as hot as this movie is bad.

Don't pay money to see this. Wait until it's on TV some night, when there's nothing else to watch. Even then, you might want to consider just going to bed early.
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This movie is PAINFUL, RACIST, and DUMB x100! Worst ever!
Lorenzofoto16 May 2007
The only thing semi-good about this movie was the original premise. After that it was the most painful movie experience of my life. This actually may be the worst film I have ever seen. It is amazing to me that anyone could be unintelligent enough to like this film at all! In fact I think its what's wrong with America (but that's another letter for another time)! The entire time I was in the theater I thought I was on punked - because NOTHING COULD BE THIS BAD. The jokes weren't funny AT ALL, the story was ridiculous and unconceivable beyond belief, and it looked like it was shot on home video. The fact that this movie got Greenlit is dumbfounding to me. If someone wants to see something funny in this genre then see Three Amigos (of which this movie is a blatant rip-off). I am not even that liberal of a person....but this movie would lead people to believe that American's believe that Mexicans are useless, uneducated, people who need rescuing by the amazing Super Power. Its appalling how it tries to represent what we Americans "think" - and if it is, we are doomed! This movie was Racist, full of Homophobia, and just plain stupid. I am so angry this film was made I can't even think..
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Don't Overthink this!
nabor72 October 2007
After reading the various comments for this, it seems that most viewers have allowed others to do their thinking for them. This movie is not "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "The Sound of Music", it is a movie made by redneck comedians dedicated to our real fighting men and women. Anyone who has ever been in combat knows that humor is where you find it, and this movie has a lot of it, if you keep your mind open. This database is an amazing tool. If you look at other movies commented on by users who didn't like this movie, the majority haven't liked other inane titles with the same bent of humor. I don't pay theater prices to see a movie. They are a ripoff especially when most movie goers are rude, inconsiderate slobs. I guess my point is that if a person doesn't like this type of movie why pay the money to hate something you have predetermined to hate? The trailer was enough to know how the movie would be.

If you like to be entertained and don't want or have to think, this is an excellent movie
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A comedy with no originality or laughs
LeroyBrown-224 January 2009
This is one of the most horrendous movies I have ever seen. It's supposed to be a comedy but It wasn't very funny at any moment. And I don't know if it has a political message, is it pro Iraq war or anti, either way I couldn't tell. It's just a mess that should be avoided at all cost, it has no original joke and every joke has been told before. More than that, every joke and every situation that's supposed to be funny has been telegraphed and expected.

The movie is about a trio of redneck buddies who are in the Army reserves and are called up to duty to join the fight in Fallujah. Needless to say they did not make it there, but the redneck part is played to the hilt. From the first time they were introduced up to the time they landed at the wrong destination. Everything they do emphasize their ignorance and none of it is particularly funny. It's like the worst of "The Beverly Hillbillies" it's not even ignorance in some cases just stupidity. And it makes the movie more painful to watch than already is.

None of the jokes and situations are original, and most of them are telegraphed and quite very early. The situation with Larry and his girlfriend (Christina Moore) was pretty much where it was going to go. You can't convince me that you didn't know what she was going to say. Even the sight gags were so obvious, sending us endless message that this trio are a bunch of rednecks and they're suppose to do the redneck cliché.

Old jokes can sometimes still work if you have the right people to deliver it. Suffice to say this cast of goofballs just are not the right people. For the most part they know they're delivering a one liner or a punchline. It's been said that the best way to play comedy is to play it straight. These guys know they're in a comedy and what's worse is that they know it's bad comedy. None of the three leads are particularly good actors and what they do isn't create a character but rather create caricatures. Personally I find that that's common with comedians who try their hands at acting.

This movie is an unoriginal, unfunny, clichéd film. The jokes are clichéd and so are the situation. To make matters worse none of the lead are any good as actors.
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Its Just A movie
drtre20064 September 2007
OK why cant people just watch a movie and enjoy it for what it is why is it that every movie release has to be reduced to some ridiculous claim of racism. This movie is not exactly great but it was enough for me too be entertained through-out.DJ Qialls with his build is hilarious in this setting i haven't seen him in anything since The New guy.And well if you liked the blue comedy and more importantly Larry the cable guy you will get your fix "GET R'DONE".Nothing in this film is malicious or racist its just puns and dumb giggles. BUT come on What else would you expect.The only thing that i really didn't like in this movie was the American glorification but I've come to expected that All I can say is turn off your brain and you might like the movie.
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despite the ill comments this is a funny movie
ssto5 August 2007
i'm not sure i understand some really hateful comments on this movie. i found it funny, in a lightly-spirited way, entertaining enough to keep me watching it to the end. nice characters, funny story and, well, laughable stereotypes

i didn't see anything even mildly insulting, or politically incorrect. maybe if you're Mexican it could offend you if you woke up this morning at the wrong side of bed (and not wanting to see that its the Americans this movie is laughing at, not the mexicans, dough!), but hey - do you also hate Desperado for the same stereotypes?

take it easy, have fun, if not - go spitting poison somewhere else please


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What were the producers thinking?
agarwalmukund4 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was so looking forward with this movie but just after 15 minutes in it got really boring.

I mean I have never got that bored watching a movie that I will clean up my whole house and even wash my clothes. Even though I live in a shared accommodation. Anyway you get the idea! Just don't spend money in getting this DVD or even watching this at cinema. It simply ruined all of my expectations, I would have preferred to watch the trailer 30 times rather then watching the whole movie. There were some funny moments but that was IT!!!!

Comon its the line check thing again. What do I have to do to get 10 lines!!!

This is the last comment I am writing if this line check thing pops again.
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Truly pathetic
gregmovies29 August 2008
I'm not sure I've ever seen a worse 'comedy', although Epic Movie gives it a run for its money. None of the jokes were funny, Larry the Cable Guy was just as obnoxious as usual, the acting was terrible, the script stupid, and the premise no better. Unfortunately I got dragged to this one by my brother, who likes most every stupid movie out there (Epic Movie, Paul W.S. Anderson films, etc.). This isn't even one of those "so bad, its good" movies. How Larry the Cable guy continues to get paid for these pieces of trash is beyond conceivability. The saddest thing is 680 people, 12.9% of voters, gave this movie a perfect 10.

I give "Delta Farce" 1/10, avoid it like the plague. If you liked this film, well, normally I give recommendations here, but, I can't imagine anyone actually enjoying this.
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raypdaley18211 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The only person I know in this film is the guy playing the black sergeant, the guy playing Everitt I have seen before in other stuff and he's always a geek or an idiot so this role was no stretch to him.

I don't know if this is supposed to be a comedy (it's not funny at all) and there are so many mistakes that should really derail the plot.

Right from the moment where the 3 guys are easily able to get into the truck (there should be a member of the aircrew there keeping watch, to loading the truck on the ground (they put on camouflage flack jackets when they should be desert pattern). one of the 1st 2 guys they meet says Americanos, none of them have ever heard Spanish?

In the village when they are at the party the guy who speaks English actually tells Mike he is in Mexico (Mike interrupts him as he is speaking but it is clearly said in English, he must have been deaf to not hear him).

The mayor and his daughter are both called Garcia, not a common name in Baghdad. Also they are served beer, a big no-no under Muslim law.

Obviously they do finally realise their in Mexico (this is when they should decide to return to the US and find the first Army base and explain what happened in hope of getting off lightly) but they decide to stay until someone comes to get them. Can you say Deserter? AWOL? Still these idiots defend a village in a country they should have left right away and go to rescue their sergeant (technically an act of war) and then stand to defend the village again against Carlos Santana and his men on horseback and a US Army Surplus Sherman Tank (which would unable to fire as Surplus military weapons are always rendered to a non-firing state before sale).

Despite the amount of rounds that are fired during the battle against the tank in the village no-one is either hurt or killed (You'd expect the Sgt to at least have killed a few at such close range).

The film ends as badly as it began with things working out well for everyone apart from those who wasted their time watching it.

I had no idea who Larry The Cable Guy was before I watched this and I still have no idea who he is and don't want to know either. Spare me from his future projects.
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Not as bad as I'd expected.
planktonrules21 February 2019
Originally, Jeff Foxworthy was scheduled to star in this film. Fortunately for him, his schedule wouldn't allow him to be in the movie and so his two friends, who were less lucky, starred in this mess. I thought Bill Engvall was too talented for this sort of terribleness. Larry the Cable Guy, however, is pretty much in his element. Don't believe me? Look up his filmography on IMDB! As for who took Foxworthy's part, I assume that was D.J. Qualls...a super-skinny guy who I cannot remember having seen in films before this one.

If you can believe it, 260 pound and 44 year-old Larry the Cable guy, 50 year-old Bill Engvall and D.J. Qualls (who appears less athletic and muscular than Wally Cox) are ALL supposed to be in the Army Reserves. We are not only supposed to believe these three are in the military (at least part-time) but that their Reservist unit consists of just these three men and no commanding officer!! Soon, however, a sergeant (David Keith) arrives and you'd think he'd whip them into shape. Instead, he announces they are going on active duty in Iraq!! So, in the next scene they are in a transport plane headed to Iraq...and an accident occurs and drops the four of them in Mexico*...and they three idiots believe it IS Iraq. As for the sergeant, he was left behind because they thought he was dead.

After wandering about the countryside, they wander in to a town and they attack because they think they are in enemy teritory. Yes, despite everyone speaking Spanish, they still think they are in Iraq. However, they accidentally do something good...they drive off a group of nasty bandits who have been terrorizing the town. Now, the three morons are heroes.

Unfortunately, their life as heroes is short-lived. The sergeant IS alive and is coming to get them AND the bandit leader (Danny Trejo) is planning on a rematch. What's next? Watch the film...or don't. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.

To say that the story makes little sense is a big understatement...along with the fact that no country would ever allow these three misfits to serve. Much of it is totally stupid, some is offensive (IMDB won't allow me to post the offensive word they kept using) and, accidentally, some of it is actually funny. Now here's the interesting part--the professional comedians are NOT funny....but Danny Trejo is a hoot and makes the film at least watchable...the same is true of Qualls. More of them and less of the Larry/Bill would have made this a much better picture. In fact having NONE of Bill and Larry would have made the film much, much better. They two ways about it.

So is it worth seeing? Perhaps, if you have rather low standards. But I will say it's NOT as bad as many of the reviewers say...and I cannot imagine giving this one a 1 or 2 when there are thousands of worse films...not that this is a glowing endorsement to go see it! My attitude is that it's a brainless and occasionally funny time-passer....I just wish Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy had opted out of appearing in this one, as they were the worst thing about the film. Larry was, quite simply, Larry (I think that is pretty self-explanatory) and as for Engvall he generally acts like he's nearly comatose during most of the film.

*Their reserve station was in they had to fly over Mexico to get to Iraq is beyond me!!
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No where nearly as bad as some would have you believe
hung_fao_tweeze13 November 2009
Yes, this is redneck humor. Don't look for anything terribly intellectual or deep in this tale. If you settle in and expect a bit of stupidity, groaning, and a complete lack of plausibility you can enjoy this movie. In fact, there are a few real honest to good belly laughs here. The Mexican alpha-dog bandit is a hoot and is probably the best actor in this exercise in silliness. His gay nephew is a knee-slapper as well. Meanwhile, everything else is lightweight and not stressful. Think 'Gilligans Island' and you'll be right about where this will fall in the scheme of things. I did enjoy the flick and will probably watch it again because I was entertained which is all I wanted to begin with. If you don't get into rednack farce you probably won't have much use for this movie. I give it a 5 because it could have been a lot funnier - a lot of missed opportunities and some situations just fall flat. But I got pretty much what I expected and ended up not feeling ripped off for watching it.
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Delta Farce is the downfall of Western Civilization
asimonetti8827 May 2008
I read a lot of user comments and ratings on IMDb and have for a long time. I have never before written one, but after reading some positive comments for this movie, I felt compelled to register just to comment on this movie. This movie is the downfall of Western Civilization. The plot by itself should make you want to die a slow death: soldiers think they are going to Iraq but end up in Mexico instead. Someone said that this somehow supports our troops? I'm sure our troops are sleeping better at night in Iraq because Larry the Cable Guy made a movie depicting US soldiers as too stupid to know the difference between Iraq and Mexico.

This whole movie is offensive and there is no way around it. I'm not an easily offended person either. There is no way that anyone with a brain and a conscience could actually enjoy this movie. The official slogan is "War isn't funny..... but the movie is!". This movie, combined with the fact that there actually people who gave this movie a good rating, is the reason why everyone else hates America.
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Really funny
anthon-six17 September 2009
After reading the comments for this movie, I thought it would be bad.

But I was wrong, this movie is funny, really really funny.

Cool casts and really nice and sharp jokes.

There are not many comedies that have made me laugh, but this was one of those who pulled it off.

The first 15 minutes or so were a little slow, but after that it gets a lot better.

This movie wasn't some wannabé comedy, that want's to be funny, this movie was funny.

I give this movie a 7, for what it is - a funny entertaining movie.

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Satisfactory in the funny department
pdiddypeters15 May 2007
I thought this was a lot better than Health Inspector, particularly because Larry has one of his Blue Collar pals joining him for the ride. I've always liked Bill, and the chemistry between him and Larry during the film was very neat. Plus, their comedy was more satisfactory. The setbacks were that D.J. Qualls' character was too insane at times, and that Keith David's performance was big departure from his more memorable military performances. Danny Trejo gave me some great laughs, especially when he sees some of his cars blown up and declares it vandalism. Also note, I took a friend that was in boot camp not long ago to the movie and she enjoyed it a lot. Like I said , this movie is satisfactory in the funny department, and even if it don't cause you to have roars of laughter, it will give you enough chuckles to make it worth watching.
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Very funny
ed-7615124 April 2022
If you served in the military, then your only response to this film is to laugh your ass off.

If you didn't serve, then you might not get some of the humor, but, hopefully, you were able to laugh just the same.
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I actually really liked it.
dobbin-418 April 2008
Delta Farce is the newest comedy to come from Larry the Cable Guy. In this movie 3 army reservists (Guess) are all sent to Iraq but accidentally get shipped to Mexico. The movie is funny with only 3 or 4 jokes not getting a laugh from me (Which is better then some of the other S@!t coming out nowadays. Anyone who likes a laugh SHOULD get a kick out of this movie. As long as you can sort of Dumb down for an hour and a half this should be an OK film. Overall this film is good and deserves to be recognized for that. I could understand a 4.6 or a 5.5 but a 2.7 is shocking. I rate this film a solid and fair 69%. Good day and god night from Dobbin-4.
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Worst movie ever!!!
webb-co15 September 2007
I would rather kill myself then have to sit through this piece of junk movie again!!! The only reason I finished this movie was because I have never seen anything so stupid in my life!!! If you thought this movie was funny chances are you are your an inbred hick who will never see this comment because you can't read!!! Fcuk Leary the cable guy!!! "Get er done" sorry Leary Giver up!!! What really amazed me was the fact that this movie came highly recommended from a friend! Take my advice and never watch this movie take the hour and a half and stare at a blank wall it will be more entertaining!! Next time someone tells me that delta farce was a good movie I will spit in their face.
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Dolt-a Farce
zardoz-1320 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Larry the Cable Guy military service comedy "Delta Farce" (** out of ****) ranks as a lowbrow, redneck version of the 1981 Bill Murray classic "Stripes" with a dose of "The Magnificent Seven" tossed into this PG-13 potboiler. Primarily, groaners pass for laughs with derogatory stand-up routines about homosexuals, terrorists, Middle Eastern ethnic groups, Michael Jackson, and obese people as well as absurd sight gags and the inevitable bowel humor. Nevertheless, this cretinous armed forces epic actually boasts a plot with a beginning, middle, and an ending. As amusing as Larry the Cable Guy, his "Blue Collar Comedy" cohort Bill Engvall, and Pinocchio-like D. J. Qualls, who qualifies as a sight gag himself, are as a Sad Sack trio of Army Reservists in "Delta Farce," they don't have much ammo to shell out laughs with in the predictable, uninspired script by first-time scribes Bear Aderhold and Tom Sullivan. Although the Pentagon did not sanction director C.B. Harding's lame-brained adventure opus, "Delta Farce" endorses both President George W. Bush's strategy with a nod and wink and it dedicates itself to those Americans serving in Iraq. The biggest revelation, however, is the clever casting of Hispanic heavy Danny Trejo of "Desperado" and "Grindhouse" as the chief adversary. Trejo shows a knack for humor in "Delta Farce" that previous filmmakers have never tapped.

Larry (Southern Fried comic Daniel Lawrence Whitney), Bill (Bill Engvall) and Everett (D.J. Qualls of "Road Trip") are hapless U.S. Army reservists, aka 'weekend warriors,' all set to pull their one weekend-of-the-month of military duty when they find themselves mustered to Iraq to make up for a manpower shortage. Along the way, they contend with a gung-ho Sergeant Kilgore (Keith David of "Pitch Black") who wants to whip these dim-witted hayseeds into first-class fighters. Our heroes board a military transport plane for Iraq, but they are so uncomfortable with their accommodations that they hole up in a desert fighting vehicle in the rear cargo bay. About the time that unhappy Sgt. Kilgore goes searching for them, the plane encounters turbulence and the pilots jettison the cargo bay where are heroes are sleeping. Not only do they dump Larry, Bill, and Everett, but only in the process Sgt. Kilgore gets tangled up in a supply pallet and goes out with them. When our heroes recover and climb out of their desert fighting vehicle the next day, they think that they have landed in Falluja. Actually, they are in Mexico. This brings up an interesting question: how does a military transport plane leaving the East Coast fly over Mexico in route to Iraq? Initially, too, when they discover Sgt. Kilgore's body, they believe that he is dead and they bury him in a shallow grave with a rifle and helmet as the traditional tombstone. Eventually, these likable but lame-brained losers learn that they are in Mexico and they behave like "The Magnificent Seven" in an effort to save a poor town from evil bandits led by Carlos Santana (Danny Trejo) who repeatedly denies any knowledge of his musical namesake.

As scrappy little Everett, D.J. Qualls literally steals the show with his moronic malapropisms about Kurds and Shiites. He substitutes a T for the K in Kurds and refers to the Shiites as S*!t-tights. Everett's joke prompted chuckles and derisive snorts every time that he uttered it. At one point, Everett dons his sniper's gear to practice psychological warfare against a captured bandit that he still believes is attached to the Republican Guard. Larry takes one look at Everett's outlandish outfit and says that he looks like Chewbacca from the "Star Wars" movies. Later, Everett puts on a corny costume and gate-crashes a wrestling match with a body builder. Larry's best joke is when he compares their predicament in Mexico with that of "a Cub Scout at the Neverland Ranch." Poor Sgt. Kilgore ends up as the butt of every crappy joke in the manual. Everett takes a whiz into a canteen and warns his buddies that they may have to drink their own pee before they flee the desert. Larry and Bill persuade him to leave the contaminated canteen behind. After Kilgore emerges from his grave, he goes straight for the accursed canteen and belts back a slug of its contents. Predictably, our protagonists deliver the helpless Mexicans from the predatory drug dealers and everybody goes home a hero. Good casting, sympathetic heroes, an occasionally funny joke, and Trejo's surprising comic turn as a bandit don't 'Git-R-Done' as Larry the Cable Guy likes to say. Incidentally, the best sight gag is the movie's poster that pays homage to director Stanley Kubrick's Vietnam masterpiece "Full Metal Jacket" with the profile of a U.S. Army helmet.
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