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I saw a sneak-peak and I think everyone should see Bella.
guzzytoff19 September 2006
I had the privilege of catching a sneak-peak of Bella before it won the Tronto Film Festival, followed by a Q&A with the director and some of the cast members. I cannot stress how very humble and real they all are. As for the film, being from the Midwest, I've watched TV all my life. Flipping channels it's funny how you stumble across films that you don't think anyone has ever heard of; but later you grow to realize that that one film, that one film you watched late one Thursday night, made such a difference in the way you chose to carry yourself through life that you became a part of it, and it a part of you. You don't know why, but for some reason, you just needed to see it: Bella is that film.
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A Sweet Tale That Should Appeal To Many, Especially Women
ccthemovieman-18 May 2008
I thought this was a surprisingly-good "chick flick" until the final 15 minutes when it got ultra-weeping "Lifetime Network" on us, but overall is a film which should appeal to a lot of people. Yes, it's pure melodrama but: ladies, it's so well done that it should keep your husband or boyfriend interested most of the way.

This also is beautifully photographed. Man, for a small-budget independent film with basically no-name actors, this has all the visual slickness of a Spielberg film. Also, the food in here looks so good it will have you salivating.

The main ingredient in this award-winning film is "charm," I would think. Everyone is pretty likable, there's a lot of emotion and the characters are very realistic. If you elaborated on the story, it might sound extremely boring because mainly it's a day in the life of two people. They both work in a restaurant and she gets fired for being late again and he goes after her to see if she's okay. As the day goes on, the two work out past traumas with the ending being a tear-jerker feel-good one.

For a film in which most viewers probably aren't familiar with the director or the actors, it is impressive. What's odd about this film, in addition to being interesting despite almost nothing going on, is that there is absolutely no profanity or sex, either. I suppose some could look at this movie as some sappy do-gooder type story, but it isn't. It's so professionally done that you kind of feel like a fly on the wall, content to just observing and being a part of these people's lives for a day.
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Touching film about family, culture, and redemption
markusws8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a feel good movie about something that deserves being felt good about. Too often "feel good movies" are about sex, drugs, rock and roll, or anything that serves in the selfish interest of person. This is about how family, and cultural values can impact for good. Some have written that the movie is on their side of the abortion issue. More importantly, this movie is about helping someone who is forced into a situation that looks like it is going to make life disastrous by someone who has been living disastrously since being involved in a catastrophe. What takes this movie up a notch is the talent. The characters are wonderful as well as the music. I especially enjoyed the acoustic vocals. The family scenes are touching and the movie as a whole is a refreshing look at a Latino situation that isn't ruled by drugs, poverty, over expressed machismo or some other tragic element.
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An excellent movie - 2006 Toronto Film Festival winner
justus9-117 August 2006
Executive Producer Steven McEveety (Braveheart, We Were Soldiers, Passion of the Christ) has put his efforts behind another sure winner, (this one without Mel Gibson)and with newcomer director/writer Alejandro Gomez Monteverde, and a cast of relatively unknown actors.

This is an intelligent and emotional film, with the action interwoven between flashbacks and the developing plot line. Because of this storytelling method, it is nearly impossible to give much detail of the story without a spoiler.

The movie centers around Nina, a young, unmarried waitress at a Mexican restaurant who finds herself pregnant and out of a job after coming in late to work several days because of morning sickness. Jose, the restaurant's chef, is taken by Nina's plight and becomes her sole confidant. Jose helps her walk through her decision on what to do with her pregnancy. In the process, he bears secrets from his own mysterious past, which reveal his tenderness and passion for her and the child she is carrying.

The film stars Eduardo Verastegui (the Mexican Brad Pitt), and Tammy Blanchard, each performing in only in their second movie role. They are excellent both individually and in their interactions with each other. You're sure to see more from both of these rising stars.

A believable script, quality acting, and effective cinematography, music, and sound kept my attention from start to finish. I had no expectations from this film and came away truly impacted--A very powerful piece of cinema. No wonder this rookie work shocked all the big name pictures to win the top prize at Toronto Film Festival.

Latest word is that it is set for release in April 2007. And don't be surprised to see this one in the running for one or more Oscars.
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Great Story, Horrible Ending
PhantomAgony14 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers

The majority of 'Bella' is a fabulously written, well acted, film that effortlessly draws the audience into caring about the 2 main characters - Nina & Jose (Blanchard & Verástegui). The problem is the ending that manages to be confusing, negate a supposed budding connection between the 2 leads and just creates an overall unbelievable conclusion that takes away from the rest of the film.

Bella is the story of Nina, a waitress at a Mexican restaurant who is laid off by the owner, Manny after arriving to work late for a 3rd time (3 strikes and you are out) and Manny's brother, Jose, who is the head chef at the restaurant, who runs after Nina, having compassion for her plight. Nina reveals to Jose that she is pregnant, has been having morning sickness which was why she has been late for work and with the news, Jose decides to ditch his job and his brother to spend the day with Nina. It is also revealed that Nina doesn't plan on carrying the baby to term but would rather opt for an abortion since she is not ready to raise a child on her own and the Father wants nothing to do with it.

Until the ending, Bella is a movie that takes place over the span of 2 days, not including flashbacks - it follows Nina and Jose as they spend the day around New York City, at Jose's childhood home with his family and then at the beach - returning back to the City the next day. It is an exploration about each character, about his/her past and about his/her future - as they share with one another details about their lives and form a bond through the pain of their pasts.

Jose was a promising soccer star who, after an accident, never played again and is haunted by the tragedy that ended it all whereas Nina's Father died when she was younger, something her Mother never stopped grieving over and as a result, pushed her daughter away ruining their relationship forever.

I found it very easy to get lost in the characters. I cared about Nina. I cared about Jose and I was endeared by their growing connection with each other. If not for the horrendous, disjointed, nonsensical ending, I would have easily rated Bella a 9/10.


The ending. That is where this film failed miserably. Throughout the movie, it is made clear that the main reason why Nina doesn't want to have the baby is because she doesn't want to be a single Mother, isn't ready to care for a child financially by herself and doesn't have a steady man to provide and care for them both.

The ending of this movie wants us to believe that Nina carried her child to term.. and assumingly bonded with Jose for another 8-9 months and then birthed Bella, walked away from her and essentially Jose and left him and his family to raise her child? Huh?

Nina and Jose connected with each other intensely in the span of 2 days during the movie - is it really believable that after another 8-9 months of him by her side, being a shoulder for her to cry on & someone to care about her that nothing romantic would have formed between them? Isn't this movie supposed to be a romance/love story? Wasn't Nina's main issue that she didn't want to raise the baby on her own? That she didn't want the child to be a burden for whatever man she eventually found in her life? Jose was willing, ready and able to care for Bella so why not raise Bella with Jose as a family? She found a man that wanted to care for and provide for her child so why the heck did she essentially give birth to the baby girl and then disappear from her life for 5 years? That was just ridiculous and not realistic at all. Jose's family home was a mere train ride away and yet we are to believe that she never visited her own child for 5 years? Clearly she wasn't visiting at all or else Nina wouldn't have been worried that Bella didn't know who she was. Just bad. Utterly bad and it negates any bond that we saw being formed between Nina/Jose throughout the movie since apparently a whole pregnancy later and she was able to just walk away from him and her child.

So 7/10 is my overall rating.
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A Catholic Inspired Pro-life film
Xifuna2 March 2007
This film is due for release in April 2007. Any reviews prior to this date (including this one) are from people who saw it at a film festival or at a pre-screening like I did. The one I attended had a question and answer session at the end along with a handout that asked people to help promote the film by writing positive reviews. Make no mistake; this is a Catholic-inspired movie with an unabashed pro-life message.

In the beginning, a very hirsute Jose, looking very much like my conception of Jesus Christ (I actually found this rather distracting and Eduardo Verastegui looks nothing at all like he does in the main promotional poster), is working as a chef in his brother's Mexican restaurant in New York City. His co-worker, Nina, is unmarried and finds herself pregnant, late for work, and consequently unemployed. The two then spend the day together and Jose, as a friend, is both consoling and supportive as she comes to terms with the decisions she must make.

Although slow in parts, the acting is believable, the script intelligent (albeit with some odd bits and a few things that didn't make much sense), and the cinematography remarkable. And the message, although not subtle, is not overbearing. If you are Christian, and especially if you are pro-life, you will love this film. And even if you're not it may well bring a tear to your eye. After all, it did win the People's Choice award at the Toronto Film Festival in 2006.
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There is hope for Hollywood
tanyatwiggs20 September 2006
I went to the Toronto Film Festival and was looking forward to seeing J-lo's new flick as well as Brad Pitts and Sean Penn's new films as I heard one of those were probably going to win the Oscar bound Peoples choice award at the festival.I screened this unknown movie Bella in Toronto at the Film Festival because I was given a ticket to see it. After seeing the film and participating in a standing ovation with everyone else who saw it and being almost as moved by the touching Q and A afterwards I remember leaving that theater thinking that in a just world that film and those producers would walk away with every award...when I found out that it actually did...that it beat all those other films and that it is now on Oscar's radar I actually felt good about the world in general and the movie industry in particular.
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Great characters, good story, and then...
curtice22 October 2007
Got a chance to see this at the Heartland Film festival. The movie builds some nice suspense early on. The characters are richly developed. The cinematography was beautiful and engaging. You get a real feel for the anguish of Jose and Nina. And the visit with Jose's family is a wonderful picture of a passionate and loving family. The film makers do a nice job weaving several time lines together. All of this is going along well, slowly developing and unfolding, good story, and then out of nowhere it ends abruptly with a confusing and disjointed ending that really doesn't make any sense. I don't get it, everyone spoke of this movie with such high regard, but a story with a lousy ending kind of kills it for me. Too bad, nice film other than the last 10 minutes.
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Subtly powerful film that everyone should see
johnshay18 February 2007
Having heard that this film won at Toronto, I was anxious to see it. Although it has not yet been widely released, I was fortunate to attend at a recent sneak preview and found it to be incredibly refreshing and subtly powerful. Stylistically, newcomer director Alejandro Monteverde does a superb job pacing the story -- combining just the right amounts of character, humor, and mystery into a package that satisfies on multiple levels -- intellectually, visually, emotionally, symbolically, etc. The photography -- shot in and around the streets of Manhattan and Long Island -- is top notch, reminding me of James Crabe's amazing cinematography along the streets of Philadelphia in Rocky (1977)....and the editing, relying heavily on jump cuts, keeps the story moving along in multiple time frames to great effect.

The actors all shine in their roles, particularly Mexican superstar Eduardo Verástegui and Tammy Blanchard, who portray their particularly complex relationship -- between a cook and a waitress in a Mexican restaurant -- with finesse. Additionally, the filmmakers do an excellent job presenting Hispanic culture in a manner that shatters the ridiculous stereotypes that are often presented in mainstream television and film. The scenes taking place at the cook's Hispanic parents' house are particularly funny, charming, and poignant. Also, the film portrays some very powerful emotional moments that have tremendous staying power long after leaving the theater.

In short, this is subtly powerful film that everyone should see.
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Above average movie, not quite Oscar level
amelchor-stu26 July 2007
I was able to see Bella at a special screening for the NCLR Lideres Summit in Miami,Florida last week. Manny Perez,Eduardo Verastegui, and the producer were present.Also a representative from the Smithsonian was there since Bella is not a part of the Hispanic History Museum at the Smithsonian. The performances are OK, very subtle. They almost straddle the line between under acting or just plain,simple, raw emotion.

Tammy Blanchard as Nina gives the most varied performance. She is perhaps the best thing about this film,she is able to show a variety of emotions in a very convincing manner. I know Eduardo Verastegui means well but he is still used as an attractive visual in this film.It will take a lot for him to rub off his boy band/heartthrob image. Throughout the film you could hear the girls whispering about how "hot" he was.Manny Perez does a good job as Eduardo's somewhat eccentric brother. Angelica Aragon is very underused and the rest of the cast gives decent but not stellar performances.

The message in Bella is good, time after time after time you see situations in where different entities appear to be different but are united because they are humans. A very strong and positive message in a time where there is so much division not only in the U.S. but in the world.

The cinematography and score are top notch.However, if critics aren't able to love other parts of the movie I doubt this will get much recognition.

The movie is not done excellently. The climax comes a bit too early.The development is slow. The ending as many have said is a bit awkward.Talks of Oscar by the cast and the producer are a bit delusional and immature. The cast will certainly not get any nominations. The film as a whole could possibly stand a chance simply on message much like Crash but there are probably 40 films this year that have more hype or have proved their quality at the box office.About 20 of the hyped films would have to severely falter for Bella to even be mentioned in the same breath as those that come through the first few award chopping blocks.

Bella is a movie with a positive, universal, appropriate, and resounding message that needs to be heard. However, the road communicating this message is bumpy,inconsistent,slow, and filled with gaping potholes. Bella is a movie to pass the time and maybe learn something but not a film that will change people or change the world.
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Many pros, some cons
Tucsonmom18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night, 11 years after it came out. The ending was so confusing -- what? She went through with the pregnancy, presumably spent 8 more months with Jose, let him adopt the baby, and then abandoned them for 4 or 5 years, only to come back to meet her daughter? Why?

The performances were all excellent, the leads were compelling, but the story had many holes. For one, who serves 4 years in prison for an unavoidable, although tragic, accident? It wasn't a hit and run, he wasn't drunk, he was evidently not a criminal. Way too many shots of little girls throughout -- we get it, Mr. Director. I wouldn't call it a waste of time; the performances were worthy of viewing. It was the story that needed some key edits.

I read all 18 pages of reviews for this; it is obvious that all the right-to-lifers gave this 10 stars just because Nina went through with the pregnancy. Since when is this the sole reason to judge a movie?
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Truly Moving Picture
tollini6 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am a judge for the Indianapolis-based Heartland Film Festival. This feature film is a Crystal Heart Award Winner and is eligible to be the Grand Prize Winner in October of 2007. The Heartland Film Festival is a non-profit organization that honors Truly Moving Pictures. A Truly Moving Picture "…explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life."

This is a complex tale that takes all your attention to understand. In a series of now moments and flashback moments, we learn about two main characters. Jose is a handsome and empathetic Chef, who had a lucrative professional soccer career thrown away because of a careless automobile accident. Nina is a waitress at the same restaurant and has an unwanted pregnancy.

Nina wants to have an abortion. Jose, only a casual co-worker, wants her to keep the child, and takes off a day of his life to try to convince her.

The backdrop of this full day is NYC. And we see lots of New York moments; that is, rudeness, kindness, emotion, ethnic behavior, subways, trains, beggars, dancing, street people and much more.

The film beautifully shows the power of a good family. Jose has a caring and loving Mother, Father, older brother and younger brother. With these relationships, it is easier for Jose to try to do the "right" thing than it is for Nina, who comes from a dysfunctional and tragic family.

FYI – There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past Truly Moving Picture Award winners that are now either at the theater or available on video.
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Good hearted movie, but poor ending
jnb-4607331 December 2019
This movie should've ended WAY different. I would've have Jose and Nina marry and then show them on the beach with their 5 yr old daughter, Bella. I am left with all these questions. 1. Why didn't Nina and Jose marry? Where was she for 5 yrs? Is she just now seeing her daughter after 5 yrs?? Why?? Stupid ending.
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Not impressed
ignatiusloyala20 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert.

I believe that Bella is meant to be a touching story about family, relationship, responsibility and perhaps race and love. However, the film didn't get there. In fact, there are a couple of strange nuances which I find difficult to understand. The biggest of all is Nina's decision of not aborting her pregnancy but leaving her to Jose - why??? I thought she was cool about having the child. And then why bother going back to see her child years later if she had decided not to raise her? I don't think I feel that sympathetic to her cause.

Also, the relationship between Nina and Jose is really a puzzle. Good friends? Soulmates? Near-lovers? Or what? The film may not be focusing on this but the story was allowed to evolve to this ambiguity without giving it a satisfactory close.

Bella simply didn't give me the warmth that the director apparently had tried hard to deliver. It's that kind of movie that leave you with a lot of questions, which popped up and then lost in the weak story development.
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Bella Wins Top Award at Toronto & Enters Oscar Race
anita_baena17 September 2006
I had the privilege of seeing "Bella" at the Toronto Film Festival and was amazed by this beautiful love story! After i heard the buzz about this little film i decided to go see it with out knowing what to expect and i was blown away. Actually, i think it is best to see this film without knowing anything about the story. A lot of people were surprised when Bella took the top prize at Toronto except for me and the other people who saw the film. Our screening ended in a standing ovation and the Q&A went so long that the moderator had to cut it off. The performances were incredible and the directing was remarkable. It was a powerful experience with a lot of unexpected twists and turns... especially the ending. It is amazing that this little film beat out all of this years Oscar hopefuls to get the most coveted Award at Toronto but it could not have happened to a better film. Congrats!
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Oh, Please
ali-3710 November 2007
This is not an Oscar movie. Movies like this don't win Oscars. There's no naked Gwenth Palthrow or foul mouthed Julia Roberts. There's no nudity, period. Yes, it is heart warming and demonstrates good family and moral values. It also has a very positive insight into Hispanic families which is quite sweet. While it starts out slow and you know what's going to happen, the unique direction showing the future before it occurs can be somewhat disconcerting but when you finally learn who Bella is, you can't help but get a lump in your throat. But those who think there's hope for Hollywood are naive. This is an independent film from a new production company called Metanoia whose mission is to produce good family features. I wish them luck But since they couldn't even get a distributor for Bella only word of mouth will help. I wish them well
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This film would be better if.....
seleiky075 June 2008
The direction was good but the story was weak. This film would be better if the script were more develop. Eduado Verastegui (Jose) was great his character was simple and he has personality, Tammy Blanchard (Nina) I think that her character was good but not complete I want to know more about her, and how was the relationship with her boyfriend? none of this was mention unless I missed something but anyways I like the idea and how the family get together and enjoy as a family that was very nice. During the movie few things were odd to me like Nina and Jose it seems that they were dating before because when Jose takes her to his parents house his parents seems that they know her. The movie went too fast because everything happen in one day except the end which I thought was confused because if many years have past Jose appearance did not change which I thought was a goof.
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gcs204118 September 2006
I was astonished after seeing the film Bella. I was impressed, inspired, uplifted and sobered all at the same time. The film is powerful and thought provoking. Each scene blends perfectly into the next creating and weaving an intricate and detailed story without being self indulgent. The actors make choices that are simple yet powerful. Every character lets their humanity show in a way that causes the audience to fall in love with them throughout the course of the movie. Both the story and the characters are realistic and every scene of the movie is packed with truth. Audiences can see aspects of their own lives and situations in every scene of this masterfully composed story.
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Heart on its sleeve art-house fare for...bleeding hearts
p-gonzo30 April 2008
The audience for this movie is almost predictable -- left-leaning yuppies who yearn for the passion they imagine all Latinos just ooze. Actually, in this movie they do ooze it, along with a white woman who works at the Latino restaurant. Boy, this director lays it on super-thick! The boxes are all ticked off in the heart-tug departments. Still, the editing was superb and everyone tried real hard (okay, too hard). If you want your heart thrown against a wall in a good way, go for it. If you're likely to be nauseated by earnest, overwrought dramatics -- maybe skip it. Either way, the Nina Simone song was worth the price alone -- and nicely integrated ( the movie in fact could have and maybe should have ended right there). Oh yeah -- and anyone who interprets this movie politically re. the abortion issue really needs to get a life.
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Finally a film with a message and a moral to the story!
michaelconley22 September 2006
BELLA is a poignant portrayal of love-conquers-all that runs the gamut from spellbinding to uplifting with a firm but gentle hand as the writer tells a tale of fallen dreams that breathes life into a dying world where family, faith, and friends are re-discovered and claimed as the "ties that bind." The captivating cast as well as the crew embody the very essence of family life among the Latino community yet the writing is so cleverly crafted that it transcends the tumult and transition of recovering from shattered spirits in any family of any ethnic background. The "realness" of the plot and characters makes you feel like you're in the middle of every scene!
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A great story told a little too slowly...
jaddison3837 November 2007
Bella tells the story of two people's experience over one day in New York. One is a young waitress who's just been fired on account of being late for the third day in a row, the other is young man who was a famous soccer player but now works as main chef for the same restaurant for reasons we don't at first know. When the waitress is fired, the chef goes with her and they begin a journey that will culminate in a decision that will affect both their lives forever.

Bella is a great story; there's no doubt about that. Unless you are completely heartless, the story will move you by the end. The back stories we find out about both of these characters are excellent. Yes, story is not where Bella lacks at all. The plot is told intriguingly through inter-cut times and places. This does what it can to help move along the too slow film. Where Bella really falls is in it's pacing which just didn't move quickly enough.

The actors are nothing that special, both giving fine but unmemorable performances. The script itself is rather chatty, having our characters talking a little too much in pivotal scenes. However, Bella is definitely worth a view, and has a wonderful message for today. One only wishes this story could have been told just a little bit better. 7/10 stars...

Jay Addison
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I Must Have Missed Something...
SANFRANFILMFAN27 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm reading through pages and pages of reviews about what a great movie this is, its message, the beauty and complexity of the tale, the Oscar contention...

I didn't see any of that in "Bella." To me, it looks like an acting exercise for actors who need content for their demo reels. There was no ensemble feel as each actor was sort of off in his or her own direction. As for the message... What message? The writers don't appear to have the courage to make a statement of any kind and leave that decision to the spectators. Judging by many of the reviews on IMDb, most seem to think that Nina's made a "courageous decision." Not sure what decision that would be. All I know is that one second Nina and Jose are saying goodbye to each other on a NYC city street and a few minutes later Jose is with some little girl on a beach and Nina shows up and reveals that she's the girl's mother. The movies spends a lot more resources on how Manny runs his restaurant and how the parents assemble a meal to organize in impromptu fiesta for their unannounced guests than provide any hint at an explanation of the logistics of any decision Nina might have made.

Made me want to watch Steve Martin's "Simple Twist Of Fate" again.
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Beautiful !
timwarding20 September 2006
I was deeply moved by Bella! It's a movie with great heart and a fantastic cast. The acting blew me away! Eduardo Verastegui and Tammy Blanchard played well together. Who ever did the casting did a phenomenal job! I was at a Q&A and Tammy Blanchard was given flowers- she was very sincere and seemed deeply touched. It's nice to see good characters on screen but who would of thought they are good characters in real life too. I left the theater feeling truly touched and inspired because of the movie and the Q&A! I enjoyed the cinematography and the music was well picked. In fact, I can't wait for the music CD of Bella to come out! I really enjoyed this movie- it was beautiful!
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bad production
gman-9191519 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
imagine watching the godfather and listening to sonny with a Scottish accent.. that is what you get from the father and younger brother's Puerto Rican accents of this Mexican family storyline. throw in the mothers peasant blouse costume and you have a really difficult time getting thru some of the most important scenes in this movie. I don't blame the actors or the storyline. the main characters do carry the movie, but these bad details really make it hard to stomach the lack of understanding of serious cultural differences and highlight their true lack of understanding. This makes it difficult to follow the story as the message seems to get lost in this complete lack of understanding of cultural understanding shines thru
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Slap the director and cinematographer
mcswigj7 March 2009
Am I the only one who would like to slap the director and cinematographer for this movie? They must have come direct from making breathless interviews of crime victims for the evening news. Almost every shot had the camera so close to the actors that you couldn't see even one entire face, let alone anything else that was going on in the scene. When there are three people in the scene, it seems like you should at least get to see all three of them at once! But no, the director and cinematographer seemed to think that it would be more emotionally powerful to stick the camera up the nostrils of the main actors. --********-- While I'm on a rant I also have problems with the last scene. This scene appears to show Nina being reunited with her child for the first time after about four years separation. She sobs and thanks Eduardo, presumably for adopting the girl and for giving her the opportunity to be reunited. But if Nina willingly and knowingly gave up her baby to Eduardo, why did it take about four years for the reunion? Did Nina deliberately keep away for four years, and if so, why is she sobbing at the reunion? It just doesn't make sense.
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