This anime, along with Cowboy Bebop, revived my love of anime. It is original, full of great characters, has a healthy portion of humour, and superb animation. I cannot find more words than that to describe it, but it truly is one of the very best animeshows of all-time. The characters of Mido Ban, and Amano Ginji... it is rare to find characters that feel as if they truly are best friends. There are a few irritations though, such as a slight 'DBZ'/'Naruto'-syndrome on some of the fights, that is, they last for several episodes, and consists mostly of back flashes and silent contemplation of the various things moving through the fighters heads. It makes up for this though, with a very colourful array of characters, such as the two main characters, and of course, the personal favourite; Akabane Kurodou. This truly is, a must-see anime, for all who love the great and original.