Ugh. This show was okay, and fun to see illustrated/animated versions of certain comedy bits, however, the babies were NOT funny. I don't know if they let those comedians write for themselves or what, but they were terrible. I always muted the t.v. when they were on. Most of the stand up bits were very well done but, again, there were issues with poop and genitalia or sexual connotations that the original comedian I'm sure didn't intend. They'd finish off a funny bit they had animated pretty well with some gross-out animated bit that had little or nothing to do with the actual stand up bit. Then they'd go to the stupid babies who would try "Mystery Science Theater-ing" the bit and fail miserably. I'm guessing it's hard to face listening to actually funny comedians when Patrice O'Neal and Nick DePaolo are so painfully unfunny themselves. I'm also glad Comedy Central dropped the "street/urban" feel by re-imaging to something a bit more modern and (hey, why not) funny. And we must thank them for bringing back Futurama.