This film's premise is original, far beyond the traditional Vampire genre. A new, genetically empowered race of human/vampire like creatures has come forth, first despised but finally accepted as protectors of humanity. Early on we are told that this race has neither hunted nor even harmed humans for three hundred years. Yet, many humans remain paranoid in their feelings for the Brotherhood as the race is called.
It appears that humans supply the Brotherhood with ample amounts of blood via blood bank type donations done in non-medical venues. All this resulting in a 300 year track record of zero humans harmed. That is until an errant Brotherhood member goes berserk killing and taking blood while also transmitting his contaminated blood to humans. Leaving both the new super race and humans alike facing possible extinction.
The story has a competent, crazed blood sucking super villain who brings a bit of horrific red carnage to the screen as he threatens to destroy all around him. The pairing of a handsome senior Brother and femme fatale cop has all the right chemistry and brings the "can two races get it on" question into play. They have much fun with that concept.
This inspired, dazzling and dark alternate universe contains various elements from our past 100 years of history i.e. flying machines above and 12 inch TV sets below. It all works.
High tension, horror, drama, great sets, atmosphere, very good cast and an original Sci-Fi horror story make this film a fun, rewarding experience. Anyone for Perfect Creature 2?