This small Danish production, produced by Filmforsyningen for Danmarks Radio and directed by veteran Anders Sørensen, is based on the interesting and educational idea of letting a (fictional) hundred year old woman tell her life story and, through animation, depict the many events of her life that intertwine with the most dramatic events of the world in the twentieth century. Starting at a radio studio in Copenhagen where the old lady is invited to tell her story on the air, the film goes on to show us the events of her narration before, at the end, returning again to the radio studio and a situation more dramatic than expected, which proves a worthy finish line to an imaginative screenplay.
All the way through, the animation is coherent and even monotonous in its black-and-white sketchy style. Indeed, as a measure of imagination I find the animation to be decisively poor. In addition, the character voices are not good at all: while the Sofia voice is certainly that of an old foreign woman, it is also disastrously dull. Actor/comedian Thomas Mørk seems to follow that track in his performance which lacks surprise and feeling. This gathers the impression of a little film which is definitely interesting on the outset, but may prove almost unbearable to watch till the end.