The film revolves around four main protagonists, Surjo Bulli, Avay and Kripamoy. They are friends and they spend the day together. Spoilt children of rich families, they are aimless and thus... Read allThe film revolves around four main protagonists, Surjo Bulli, Avay and Kripamoy. They are friends and they spend the day together. Spoilt children of rich families, they are aimless and thus often misguided. Ganapati or Gana da as they call him is someone they love and respect. S... Read allThe film revolves around four main protagonists, Surjo Bulli, Avay and Kripamoy. They are friends and they spend the day together. Spoilt children of rich families, they are aimless and thus often misguided. Ganapati or Gana da as they call him is someone they love and respect. Surjo, in order to earn some quick cash steals a very precious lamp from his own house and ... Read all