In the condemnation of human morality, we find that the underlying frameworks of our minds are to collapse.
The love that is brought to our minds by force and prostitution is typical of this kind.
Rape to what we did not to do for getting it is not only an advantage, but also an illusion of love.
The nature of the summertime movie does not help to the type and way we think.
Only our intrinsic and unconscious thoughts respond us with a tight slap that will make us wonder where our limit is and there is not going to be anything belong us.
Three sides and outlook from the perspective of three people who are directly involved in a problem that is answered with blood, but the attractiveness and art of work are the past and present.
Sang Ho, a man who has been forcibly aggression to get tae in the past, has delusional in love, and holds on a rhai for him because he has no place to go.
On the other hand, she sees in her daily life that hie sees and loves her, and also she is.
The type of tae observation is unique by Hie Ran is unique and in type of erotic.
They enter into a relationship that looks good from the point of conscience, but from a moral point of view it cost a lot.
The film should be seen and thought down. Because apart from the tragic issue to which the viewer is affected, we must think of the fact that the nature of the problem is at the beginning has side of solvation or not.
The movie poses a good challenge.