28 July 2005. The production values and the made-for-television look is all over this little movie, yet the sincerity of the script, the actors that just don't quite have the polish make this movie a rather difficult one to just jump to judgment. Unlike most of the low-budget movies, this movie's script didn't take the easy way out with its characters and normally the American version is more pat than happens in this movie. At times it's almost a movie from one of those religious stations but without the heavy emphasis on preaching and following the path of right or wrong. Thus, this movie is a cut above, but its production values and stilted style bring it down as well. A somewhat hollow but admirable movie in its unwillingness to be just one of those one of many movies that cop out (pun intended). By the end there is a lingering memorable resonance, an emotional recycling of both sacrifice and redemption.