None of the characters in this film are pleasant individuals and Trixi (Christiane Horbiger) is as bad as any of them.
Because she finds herself heavily in debt, she embarks on a desperate journey to recover her losses. A rich husband on medication can quickly be put out of his misery and Trixi finds it quite a profitable undertaking. I am not sure where the police hang out or what the coroner is supposed to be doing. There seems to be no hindrance to any of Trixi's plans whatsoever. One husband succumbs after another. And be prepared for a dismemberment scene in which a hungry cat assists in destroying some of the evidence; and later, a dog helps out too.
I suppose the fascination about this film is to anticipate what tricks Trixi will get up next as she seduces one husband after another. She knows what men enjoy and she gives them what they want. Little do they realise when they propose marriage their fate is sealed.
Gambling on the race course is the least effective way of augmenting the bank account, but Trixi's methods are not recommended either. I think it's a wise man who insists on preparing his own medication. And spiked drinks are becoming rather too popular these days for people wishing to gain their own ends.
If you don't take this film too seriously you'll probably enjoy it. And you'll understand why some men prefer to remain bachelors.