The story starts with Binu, a mischievous little boy who goes around troubling every person in the village. His best friend is Chandra, the local zamindarâ's daughter. Trouble hits paradise ... Read allThe story starts with Binu, a mischievous little boy who goes around troubling every person in the village. His best friend is Chandra, the local zamindarâ's daughter. Trouble hits paradise when Binu and Chandra go to pray at a temple for Chandraâ's motherâ's speedy recovery. Tim... Read allThe story starts with Binu, a mischievous little boy who goes around troubling every person in the village. His best friend is Chandra, the local zamindarâ's daughter. Trouble hits paradise when Binu and Chandra go to pray at a temple for Chandraâ's motherâ's speedy recovery. Time passes quickly and they return late which is wrongly interpreted by the illiterate villa... Read all