Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999–2007)
Robert Axelrod: Armadillomon, Ankylomon, Shakkoumon, Wizardmon, MegaSeadramon, Vademon
Wizardmon : Are you okay, Gatomon?
Gatomon : You saved me. I'm sorry.
Wizardmon : For what?
Gatomon : Sorry I got you involved in this.
Wizardmon : Don't be sorry. I don't have any regrets. If I hadn't met you, my life would've had no meaning. I'm glad that you and I became friends.
Gatomon : That's forever.
Armadillomon : How about we play a game of Checkers? We can use my shell as the board.
Yolei : [thinking to herself] I just don't know if I can truly trust Ken. After all of the destruction he caused in the digital world. The way he destroyed Rockmon. I thought that he was more ruthless than ever. Maybe I am being too hard on him. After all he did save the day.
Armadillomon : [Hawkmon groaning] Hawkmon are you okay?
Hawkmon : Hmm? I feel rather strange. Hawkmon digivolve to... Aquilamon.