61 of 130 found this mild
Maury's last name is "Ballstein".
Zoolander kisses a woman at the end of the movie.
Multiple women in mini dresses wearing thigh high stockings.
Zoolander briefly seen in BDSM outfit with another man during runway picture. Last 1 second
Massage scene with zoolander where his penis is moving on its own to avoid getting smacked by the masseuse. Fully covered by a sheet.
An orgy is depicted, most faces and arms as the camera pans around a woman. No nudity besides bare backs and shoulders.
Zoolander is seen modelling shirtless several times.
Zoolander's manager slaps a woman's (fully clothed) buttocks.
Woman shown in very low cut halter top at beginning of movie.
Hansel tells Zoolander to 'lick his butt' but Zoolander doesn't understand.
50 of 60 found this mild
The movie focuses on an assassination plot.
A woman is tossed out from the door of a building. She is not injured.
A woman points a gun at a man but it is knocked out of her hand. She is tripped and punched.
Zoolander' friends die from an explosion in a petrol station offscreen. All we see is a Starbucks cup move towards the camera.
A man is punched several times in the face.
Two men have a (comedy) fight where one man is kicked in the face repeatedly.
35 of 68 found this moderate
6 uses of 'd*ck.'
7 uses of 'ass.'
1 use of 'fag.'
1 use of "f*ck".
Hansel says, "b@!!s"
Damn is said.
10 uses of Shit 1 used as BullShit
44 of 54 found this mild
One reference to doing acid.
4 characters drink at a bar
A man admits to smoking peyote.
A reference to cannabis is repeated twice.
48 of 61 found this to have none
The assassination attempt scene is quite intense, but ultimately is played for laughs.
Some themes of hypnosis and brain washing may be disturbing to some, but the whole movie is in a comedic tone and nothing is ever intense or scary.