First:I'm not crazy! Second:I'm not director,producer,screenwriter...of this movie! Third:I DON'T really like this movie! But,let's confess: there are some pleasures in life called "guilty" ones, and this movie is one of them! Here's why: It's so bad that it hurts!Literally! It's not funny(and it suppose to be)! It's so damn boring that you actually start consider yourself for psychiatric evaluation for wasting your time on such a garbage! And there's a beauty in it:you start to enjoy this film for what it is:perhaps the worst movie ever! Storyline:ridiculous,I mean there's almost no storyline at all! Humor:ARE YOU KIDDING ME?Those jokes weren't funny during the World War One! I could go on and on... But,let me tell you this:if you ask for a bad movie to make fun of,search no more,my friend!This is it! The Holy Graal of bad movies!