2 reviews
This is the sixth movie of seven. The director has the intention to make movies of the seven deadly sins, but he will not tell which sin each movie is about. This movies video realees is worth waiting for since it is not a very good movie but okey to see anyway. Compared to the other five movies this is the fourth best I think. The things I do not like about it is that Hobart (the director) always let his characters experience very dramatic problems in their lives. After some movies I think that the characters have had their rough time and will not have another mayor breakdown in their lives. It is unlikely to have another breakdown after a while and yet they have and than the movies loose a lot. It's an okey drama movie preferably watched on TV.
Allright, Hobert have aroused great expectations after good work like "Glädjekällan" and "Ögat" but the fact that this film makes me feel nothing can't just be a result of overexpectations. The idea is not too bad, the actors (at least Stangertz and Lundén) do their job but it just doesn't help. Maybe it is just too hard to do seven movies in eight years, or when you do it with the same characters it just tend to get "soapish". Now and then Hobert's geniality beams forth but it never comes out entirely. When it comes to some ingredients, for example, Michaels relation to his "secret" daughter you just wait for it to be developed but it never is. And, sorry to say, Hobert also gives in to the (among swedish critics) common notion that "if a film contains no vulgarities it can't be no good".