The film focuses on a short time period in a corner store. In the store are a young junkie girl, the two store owners, a group of men who are close to getting a record deal and a pair of Orientals who are heavily into break dancing. We see the same scene from all different perspectives.
This short tricks everyone who watches it. We all miss the point for the first few minutes I didn't catch on immediately that the time skips back and forward and that we see the same few minutes over and over again from with the focus on different characters. Each character's bit is interesting in itself, but the real reward here is the issue of perspective.
We assume things that are proved wrong when we see it from another perspective eg the two store keepers yell in a foreign language at the junkie girl, we assume they are insulting her, but their view reveals something else. This makes the short for me, it makes it clever and produces an interesting point that stays with you.
The direction is good technically competent and imaginative. However the editing is the best bit, the time skips back and forward with no sign that it's happened the first time it's disorientating but after that it's clever. The cast are good, particularly the store keepers and the junkie girl.
Overall this film is very clever in terms of content and production. The director has already been snatched up by a studio for motion picture work I hope he can brig this same imagination and intelligence to his films as he did to this short.