"Adventures of a Dentist." Admittedly, it is understandable that a movie with this title would be overlooked by many, but make no mistake, this film is worth your time. I'll admit, I was not expecting a masterpiece going into it, but that is what I got. I won't go into detail on the plot, there's a number of plot summaries you can find elsewhere (perhaps in the only other review of the movie on this site).
The film employs some very unique visual effects to help tell its story, and no, I'm not talking about the tooth "magically" popping out of the patients' mouths. Just when you think you're about to become bored of the story, the film throws something interesting enough to keep you engaged. Either a peppy ditty from a pretty vocalist, staring into your soul through the lens, or perhaps a romantic interlude with an impressively animated backdrop. This film tries so many unique things, and it hits the nail on the head every time. The main story and events, while unique, is not the most impressive part of the movie, but what is is how thought-provoking it turns out to be, with so many nuances and little character developments that make you question how you see life both during the movie and after.
I do not give many films 10/10 ratings in my mind. I would only give such a rating to a movie that I believe is on the top 10 of all time. This certainly qualifies. Definitely a must-watch in my books.
That being said, I'll concede that at least one star of this rating is due to the fact that this is a largely unknown film with only a 6.9/10 (at the time of writing) average here on IMDB. Knowing that makes this that much of a better film to me :)