Backwards-in-time, shots of people just standing or sitting there, a man's face shoved into a dead woman's bloody body, naked women in the woods covered in dirt. It's gotta be an arty movie. And EVERYONE who is ANYONE loves it, according to some things I've read on the Internet. I watched this in my film class and decided I'd rather listen to my iPod and focus on my Audio Book, HEART OF DARKNESS. My professor (and others, apparently) BREATHLESSLY describe it as the greatest "war film" ever. And the most brutal. Uh-huh...Have they even SEEN any war films in the last, say, 30-60 years? And SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and FULL METAL JACKET are some of the MOST brutal I've ever seen.
As a filmmaker, I appreciate filmmaking, and have been known to praise good indie films and bad Hollywood films, and vice-versa. But this movie takes the cake in over-indulgent, self-pleasing, egotistical filmmaking, because the only people who would like it are the filmmakers. It is also one of those "important films" that only people who want to feel important and is a film elitist would like.
I give it an F for quality and effort. But, I appreciate anyone who can actually RAISE the money and go make it. (Or just spend their own money, which is both brave and stupid--I've learned this one the hard way.)