Bandit: Bandit Goes Country (TV Movie 1994) Poster

(1994 TV Movie)

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MADE FOR TV Adaptation
forrest-pugh5 February 2024
I picked this up on an 8 movie bargain DVD film collection. It stood out right away as obviously a made-for-Television film. It wasn't all that bad for that class of film.

If you realize this up front and don't try and compare it to the original films you won't be dissapointed so much.

That said, the writing isn't quite there and it tries to cram in as many 'country folk' tropes just shy of incest jokes as it can. The acting is actually decent for what there is to work with. The dialogue isn't aweful and the sequences actually fit together decently well. It's not as chock-full of car and truck action as a full budget movie would be, but it is for the most part watchable... at least once.

Watch it or don't - just don't think of it as a part of the Smokey legacy.
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not really the Bandit but fun anyway
pete-29331 March 2001
This made for tv adaption of the "Smoky and the Bandit" films has all the usual fast cars, fast women, bar fights, and high speed chases that one associates with the bandit. This edition is complicated by the Bandits attempt to reclaim his lost love (Elizabeth Berkley) whom he abandoned some years earlier since she was from the wrong side of the tracks (actually the wrong side of the river). Further complications are government men hunting for bootleg audio tapes, competition for a large carved wooden bear, and two young people in love who are from opposite sides of the river. Definitely not a serious film. Brain Bloom is adequate as the bandit but that is about all one can say about him. Elizabeth Berkley is fine as the love interest and a little more. "Bandit Goes Country" is not really the Bandit but is good fun anyway.
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kalkwarfryan11 March 2021
This movie was an absolute embarrassment to the first three Smokey & The Bandit movies I stopped watching this garbage after about 30 minutes there is literally nothing good about this movie
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Dear Troll Reviewer
amyp21129 July 2021
(It's not a movie, dummy).

It's a fun throwback by a stunt icon. Not to be taken so seriously.
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