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Jaws, The Terminator and Caddyshack!
Coventry5 June 2021
In the exclusive, fancy and uptight Tall Grass golf club, bloody leftovers of nightly intruders as well as of loyal club members are found barbarically hacked up. This means bad publicity for the upcoming golf tournament, so resort owner Osgood is quite relieved when the angry mob captures former caretaker Deke Slade as the maniacal culprit. However, resident golf instructors Roy and Kelly correctly assume something much larger, diabolical and superhuman is on a rampage here.

All I ever read about this late 80s horror comedy is that it's a re-enactment of Spielberg's ultimate summer classic "Jaws". And that's true, of course. The parallel sequences, loving tributes and unsubtle references are unmistakably there. What you almost never read, though, is that "Blades" also parodies a large number of other classic cult movies. The uncontrollable murderous device is a machine with a will of its own, which automatically reminds me of "The Terminator". The setting, the cast of characters and many of the situational humor also almost makes it feel like a "Caddyshack" sequel. And a better one than the official "Caddyshack II", for that matter. There's even a guy with a hokey mask named Jason, so you certainly can't claim the writers of "Blades" don't know their landmarks.

Maybe because the film was distributed by the questionable Troma studios, maybe because there already was an overload of low-budget slashers throughout the late 80s, or maybe just because of bad luck; but I personally feel that "Blades" is an underrated horror comedy. It's cheesy and badly acted, for sure, but the concept is really fresh and inventive. Numerous sequences are also downright hilarious, like the redneck mob setting out a manhunt, or Deke's emotional flashback speech. Only the gore should have been slightly more outrageous, perhaps.
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Killer lawn mower hey?
buddypatrick7 September 2009
I can understand if people think this is a stupid film, or if it's forgettable, idiotic, whatever; but you have to admit that is has one pretty crazy plot. People are being gruesomely decapitated on a golf course by a evil killer lawn mower. Come again? Personally, I didn't find it bad – it's a comedy/horror and it doesn't necessary fail at that.

The movie isn't entirely hilarious, it isn't mind numbingly unfunny either, turn off your brain and you can have some cheesy, low budget 80's fun as it packs a few witty jokes, it's a great parody of Jaws and has fun deaths - saying that, a massive problem I had with the film was its constant resort to silliness which is what a lot of comedy/horror's do, still – you get over it because the movie is pretty fun.

For such a miniscule budget the movie is quite impressive and I kind of enjoyed it – it's crazy, stupid, and one of those movies you come across on the last existing VHS section in your video rental shop and discover some really obscure stuff. Other than everything I have written in this tiny review, there isn't that much else to it but that doesn't mean it's bad. The entire point of this film is to turn off your brain and enjoy a slasher where the villain is a killer lawn mower on a golf course; nothing more, nothing less. Have some self admitting, cheesy 80's fun.
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You're gonna need a bigger golf cart.
BA_Harrison19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Blades is a parody of Steven Spielberg's classic Jaws, with a deadly lawnmower terrorising the staff and customers at the Tall Grass Country Club, where Roy Kent (Robert North) has just started work as the resident pro golfer. After several horribly mutilated bodies are found on the course, Roy teams up with his pretty assistant Kelly Lange (Victoria Scott) and ex-Tall Grass employee Deke Slade to try and prevent the whirling blades from claiming any more lives.

I doubt you need me to tell you this, but this film is very silly; it isn't, however, all that funny. Any attempts at humour fall flatter than the grass on the golf course's immaculate greens. That said, the film isn't totally worthless if you're a fan of Jaws: a lot of fun can be derived from spotting all of the parallels with Spielberg's movie, from a victim's distraught wife slapping Roy in the face, to Roy cutting open the bag of a lawnmower to investigate its contents, to Deke recounting a harrowing story while drunk, to the gimmicky use of a dolly zoom, to Roy dispatching of the killer mower with a well aimed golf stroke.

Blades is also surprisingly well made: there's competent direction from first-timer Thomas R. Rondinella, who uses some creative camera angles and POV shots; the cast give solid performances despite the weak comedy material; and we get a few enjoyable gore effects (Deke losing his legs before being dragged away by the mower is great). While I didn't love Blades - I had hoped to find it funnier - I was still entertained enough to wish that the intended sequel, Hedges (as revealed in a post-credits scene), had come to fruition.
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It's Bad, But Entertaining
briandwillis-8382512 March 2022
Blades is the kind of movie where you have a good time with it at the time, but probably won't ever watch it again. It's a fun reworking of Jaws with splashes of Caddyshack but with a killer lawnmower terrorizing the golf-loving members of a country club.
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Jaws in a more elegant version
MariahCareyLover13 August 2000
Troma just worked out the story of Jaws and turned it into a bloodfest an a golf yard. However, a machine, normally cutting grass, is killing people now and at least as the machine features the smiling balloons and runs amok on it's own, everyone should have been checked out, this one is not to be taken seriously. But, who cares? A little glimpse on Jason (the worker with the mask, helping the balded man) makes this movie to be a good farce. It has atmosphere, never mind the story is nothing more than a joke.

A good plagiat.
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Not a parody, but more of a reenactment of "Jaws".
Aaron137528 March 2004
This movie is basically a parody of "Jaws". It took me a bit to get it, but once they strung up the lawn mower I finally got it. I realized they were doing "Jaws" before then, but not until that moment did I realize it was almost purely a "Jaws" parody. The problem, it takes itself a bit too seriously for a parody. That is why I say it is more of a reenactment where instead of an ocean they use a golf course, instead of a shark you have a lawn mower, and so on. For some scenes this works and I chuckled a couple of times, at other times there are long stretches of dialogue that just do not belong in a parody movie or a Troma movie for that matter. Still, this is a company known for its bad movies, and this one is better than a lot of the movies I have seen from them. I just wonder why they and Full Moon Entertainment have to always make horror comedy movies rather than straight horror. Seems to me a straight horror would be easier to make because lets face it most of the movies that come out of these two companies get really low scores. Though to be fair Full Moon has done a few straight horror movies in their day. I have never seen one from Troma. This one has its moments especially the scenes in the van where they were really spoofing "Jaws" in this case I think they just needed to make this one a bit funnier.
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BandSAboutMovies2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Tall Grass Country Club is a gorgeous piece of heaven on Earth, but just like Amity, once a major tourist event starts happening, it doesn't matter how many dead bodies show up. Things will proceed according to schedule. Except that instead of a great white, Tall Grass is dealing with, well, a possessed lawnmower.

I got past the Troma logo at the beginning - their cityscape and jingle have made me rage quit many a film - and am glad I did. Blades is an adorable film if your definition of adorable means that people are repeatedly torn to shreds by landscaping equipment gone wrong.

This is the kind of movie that can get away with the tagline "Just when you thought it was safe to putt." And the closing credits set up a sequel that never came: Hedges. "Just when you thought it was safe to trim."

Blades was written by the same man who wrote and directed Girl School Screamers, John P. Finnegan. That should give you a little fair warning of what you're in for.
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Actually pretty funny
TheBeardedWonder9 February 2023
This one is a really fun flick that never takes itself serious even for a second. It's basically a spoof movie (like 'scary movie' or 'naked gun') that's a sendup of JAWS but with a killer sentient lawnmower.

I'm a big fan of troma and this one grew on me and is now one of my faves from them. I love that everyone seems to be in on the joke, and totally having a blast filming this.

If you like 80s cheese or so bad they're good type movies, this one may work for you if you know ahead of time it's basically a straight up comedy. Thank goodness for vinegar syndrome putting this out on blu ray finally, it looks great and they clearly put a lot of work into this zany flick!
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Not Troma's Finest Hour
SykkBoy27 June 2001
As a hardcore Troma fan, I must say this is one of the lesser works. This movie is truly got the Troma completist. There are some inspired moments and how can a fan of bad movies not enjoy the premise of a killer lawnmower?

I found this one quite dull in many scenes. I have no problems with low budget-no budget movies and bad acting is one thing I always look forward to from Troma movies. This had all of those which I enjoyed, but there was so much more they could do with this movie. One thing that can kill a great movie is too much dialog, and this movie has too many scenes of long dialog.

It's certainly not the worst of the bad movies, but it is a disappointment for the Troma team which I admire greatly.

Nice try, but let's see a couple sequels and see what we can do about the long dialog.
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Funny if somewhat over-familiar low-budget effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 August 2018
After a series of strange deaths, the local-pro at an exclusive golf resort finds that the cantankerous relationship with the other workers present must be put on hold when the deaths point to a possessed runaway lawnmower, and when no one believes his story sets out to stop the murderous thing.

This was quite a decent if slightly silly offering. One of the more engaging aspects of this one is the fact that there's quite an overall effective grounding of the bizarre scenario. The main gist of the storyline, about a killer possessed lawnmower running rampant at a golf resort, which is a solely goofy premise and yet is handled with somewhat enough class to make for a decent enough effort here. What really helps this is the inclusion of so many plot-points and references to other films in the structure of how this plays out which is quite obviously referenced as it goes along. That, in turn, leads this one to a series of incredibly fun and exciting confrontations with the killer object that tackles that follows up that sense of parody and homage. The opening series of attacks on the group out partying on the golf-course is quite enjoyable with the suspenseful stalking of the kids through the cornfields, the attack on the worker in full-view of everyone participating in lessons gives this a strong setup for the glorious rampage through the crowds at the tournament which is nicely caught on TV cameras to add an extra sense of cheesy fun to it all. The finale, with them out on the course hunting the thing down in a straight-up parody, creates plenty of goofy action set-pieces and some gory dealings in the kills which offer up some rather funny moments. These here hold it up over its minor flaws. Among the few flaws with this one is the fact that the soap opera dynamics of the residents at the club aren't that fun to sit through. Granted, it makes for a much longer effort by going through the motions of the various subplots involved in the feature, from the new golf pro on the job to the various workers upset over the new hierarchy of the employees, really isn't all that enjoyable as the film doesn't do anything interesting with these elements. They grind the film to a halt in their bland, prototypical dealings which are quite boring and do nothing but make this way too long. Likewise, some here might find the manner in which it's created and conceived might be a little too much for some out there. The fact that the story runs so close to perhaps the most hallowed and important genre film in history with the way its story and plot-points hit so closely and score as many impressive ripoffs of those scenes that it could be taken in the wrong tone. Not only is does the low-budget, cheesy tone of this one serve as a tough hurdle to handle by itself, but those when done in conjunction with the overlong setup serve as the most crippling factors. Otherwise, this really doesn't have much wrong with it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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Slaughter on the golf course. Horror, Comedy and Golf.
ChuckStraub29 January 2005
Slaughter on the golf course. I guess it was inevitable that sooner or later someone would make a horror movie for golfers. The film centers on a series of grisly murders that takes place at the Tall Grass Country Club. There out on the course, maybe lurking just off in the woods, Blades lies in wait to rip you to shreds. "Blades" combines golfing as a setting for a horror/comedy that is a parody of the hit movie "Jaws". Replace the ocean with the greens and a killer shark with a killer lawn mower. This movie has similar characters and situations. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can get some appreciation of movie. This is more of a comedy, a parody, and it is based on "Jaws". The lines are corny as are the situations but the actors do this all with a straight face. It's not your normal horror movie although there is a lot of gore. If you like golf, have watched the movie "jaws", want a bit of horror and a little bit of a laugh, this movie may be for you. To some it will be funny and others it will just be stupid. I saw "Blades" on a DVD I rented called Troma Triple B-Header. It contains three movies, "Blood Hook", "Blades" and "Zombie Island Massacre". As part of this 3 movie DVD, yes, it was worth the price of a rental and my time.
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Are you serious? Seriously? Are you ... ?
clk264-649-7164634 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man!! I never thought I'd see such a fantastic film! Picture "Jaws" on a golf course. Yes, you read that right.

There's a killer lawnmower out there and the big golf tournament is this weekend. Will the big wigs of the course shut down? No way.

Locals are deputized to hunt down the lawnmower and they catch one. But when the hard drinking former golf pro noticed the tracks that are killing are wider then the mower is caught, they have to open its bag to see if there's any body parts in there or just grass clippings.

Authorities think it's the groundskeeper killing folks, but when the killings continue, they have to set him free.

You can see where the storyline is going. It is absolutely entertaining, fun, and violent! You'll have a blast!
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Easily One of the Best Jaws Knockoffs
hellsing2187 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Of the numerous films that tried to cash-in on the success of Jaws, this easily up in the top 5. It doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is, a shameless knockoff of Jaws. Yet it goes beyond that and actually does a near shot-for-shot remake approach. Take Jaws and change the setting to a golf course and this is what you get. Brody, Quint, and Hooper, the quickly paced music, checking to see if they really got the monster, even the chase scene from the end perfectly recreates the end of Jaws but in a van.

Granted that while most of the knockoffs take themselves seriously, the filmmakers knew that this couldn't be taken seriously at all and simply had fun with it. It got a few chuckles out of me so I'd say give it a watch if you can.
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Obvious ripoff of Jurassic Park
And Maximum Overdrive. The budget was so low they couldn't even afford any hot chicks. Still it is the second best golf movie ever (after Caddyshack 2)
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This is not the film you think it is...
petru0528 April 2004
This movie has exactly what you expect in a B horror movie; bad acting, low budget, and comedic horror that doesn't take itself too seriously. The added bonus on this tale of terror on the golf course is that it mirrors the plot of Jaws almost to a tee (pun intended). What otherwise would be a really, really stupid story becomes merely ludicrous and funny when compared to the plot from which it originates. If you are wanting a B-movie full of fun, poor golf humor, even poorer acting, and a possessed lawn mower, then your prayers have been answered. This movie is quality B shlock horror and should be seen for the cheese factor alone. I wonder if Spielberg knows that one of his greatest works has been brought down to this level...
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Scarecrow-8825 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One of a series of obscure 80's features released by Team Troma, Blades is a spoof of Jaws with a killer lawnmower(!)replacing the shark, invading a country club golf course, Tall Grass, during tournament time as a Pro Am Invitational is on the horizon. Troubled, melancholy, alcoholic former circuit star, Roy Kent(Robert North), whose career had taken a turn for the worse, is hired by club owner, Norman Osgood(William Towner)whose wife, Bea(Holly Stevenson)talked him into it..mainly because Bea lustfully desires Roy. Roy's hiring truly angers Kelly Lange(Victoria Scott)because she covets the position of Golf Pro and has worked her way up to earn such a role. Working as his assistant, there's immediate friction. Meanwhile, the killer lawnmower is catching victims off guard, leaving their bloody clothes and remains. Norman, of course, wishes for the murders to remain hush hush due to the tournament(..IT'S ON TV!!)and confides in local inept sheriff, Charlie Kimmel(Charlie Quinn)to find the killer, which includes a manhunt involving a mob of locals. Roy is alarmed at his employer's demands for the tourney to continue despite the fact that innocent lives may be in danger. Wandering around the golf course and nearby wilderness, former grounds-keeper, Deke Slade(Jeremy Whelan)knows the identity of the killer, but is considered a lunatic and sent to prison as the one responsible after being caught by hunters in possession of a regular lawnmower. Roy, not persuaded that Deke's the man, convinces Kelly to assist him in catching the killer, who attacks a pro golfer, Squire Evans(Lee Devin)during the tournament, thanks to their boss's decision not to cancel the prestigious event. Joining forces with "Great White Hunter" Deke, after his release, Roy and Kelly will attempt to put an end to this fiend once and for all.

The lawnmower is often shot through point-of-view, burrowing through grass in pursuit of it's next victim. Until the attack on Squire, the film remained bloodless, just showing the sparse remains of victims after the lawnmower attacked them out of the range of the camera(..often victims were attacked in the woods with only their screams and shaky bush providing us with an indication of murderous activity. The two goriest murders show victims being pulled into the grinding blades of the machine, their legs being sawed into, as the lawnmower drags their carcass away with them shrieking in terror. There are moments where the film lets go of itself, but director Thomas R. Rondinella really gives the film a rather sedate presentation despite the ludicrous premise. One wonders aloud what must be going through these characters' minds in that they are doing battle with an enraged lawnmower, and the serious tone really boggles the mind..perhaps to show these characters unwavering resolve in the face of crisis regarding a lawnmower, the intention was to get giggles by playing the material mostly straight, despite the absurdity of it all. This film doesn't really feature the kind of madness and excess Troma is known for, despite a premise that reads like it would be. The scenes where Derek and Roy are shooting loaded rifles and shotguns at this lawnmower that seems indestructible is simply surreal. I mean there are outrageous moments such as the lawnmower causing a riot on camera as people run for their lives, and the mob preparing to catch the killer on a golf course(..and, in particular, the final showdown with the machine), but, more often than not, even these scenes have a bit of restraint not typical with the usual popular output released by Troma. Could gain a cult following if more discover it, but I'm guessing a majority of Troma fans will find it disappointing.
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There have never been any words written in any language to describe what I felt after viewing this film.
enemyzero25 February 2008
I watch this film every year for the sake of tradition. AI started working in a video store when I was 16 and I worked there throughout most of high school. It was probably one of my favorite jobs ever. It was a small independently owned store where I would sit on my ass, play video games or watch movies, eat pizza, drink my bosses beer, smoke cigarettes, hang out with my friends, be mean to customers or put on Star Wars and have light saber battles using rolled up movie posters with my friends. One day when I went into work my boss asked me to take all the movies off the shelves and rearrange them according to his new plan. As I was going through the movies I would set aside ones I wanted to take home for the upcoming weekend party I was throwing. I came across a movie that all I could deduce from the cover was about golf and death. Now had I noticed it was a Troma film I would have had some warning of what I was in for, but the store I worked at would simply cut the front panel off of a video box and slide it into a plastic cover on the hard cases they used for the movies. I took the movie home, popped in and my friend Zak and I sat down to watch it as I waited for the rest of our friends to show up.

There have never been any words written in any language to describe what Zak and I felt after viewing this film. It was so weird. An evil demon golf cart was on a killing spree and taking out golfers. I mean…Jesus.

I took the film back to the video store that Sunday. The next day in school I was talking about it to someone and they didn't believe me. I told them to stop in the store and I would rent it to them. When I went to work that night it was GONE. My boss had no idea what I was talking about. No one knew of the existence of this movie. Could it all have been an awful figment of my imagination? For the next four years I would describe to people and they would look at me like I was crazy.
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Holy Jesus, here it comes...
Midian-217 June 2000
The summary makes sense to those of you who have seen the movie, I'm sure.

To start with, understand that this is a bad movie. On the other hand, however, it is sort of an interesting concept and is quite humorous at points. I'd say that the idea is poorly carried out, but there's not really a good way to carry out a killer lawnmower movie. It is rather entertaining, but don't rent this if you're looking for a masterpiece.

Could make for a good evening if you enjoy laughing at bad horror movies, as you probably do if you're even looking at this.
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it doesn't erase
trashgang23 October 2008
Starting of, the sound was already below zero. I think I must had a bad copy or something. Basically there isn't anything scary in this one, almost no blood, no gore , no nudity, just boredom. The acting is extreme low and the script, well, it's a kind of rip off of Jaws and when the thing, won't spoil it, starts moving it does remind me of the evil spirits in Evil Dead. It's a lot of blah blah, don't know why people are giving this one 5 or more. Okay, it's a Troma release so it's cheesy but they have better things out. One of the turkeys I fast forwarded while watching, and I can tell you, I have seen already more then a thousand flicks. I gave it a two just because the score is okay. Got damn, what a waist of time, happy I just spoiled 1 euro on it.
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Affectionate Jaws spoof
Leofwine_draca2 December 2023
BLADES is, unsurprisingly given the title, an affectionate homage to Spielberg's classic JAWS. The setting this time around is a golf course, where the wide green fairways substitute for the deceptively calm surface of the ocean, and a cast of middle-class golfers find themselves next in line for the chop. The killer, somewhat bizarrely, is an animated lawnmower with a thirst for human blood, but I've seen so many B-movies by now that even that doesn't seem too odd to me. There's the expected rubbery gore, severed limbs and cheeseball action sequences, including a classic reverse-dolly camera zoom reimagining of the famous Scheider-in-a-deck-chair shot. Hardly classic cinema, but it is fun.
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Amusing oddball spoof of "Jaws"
Woodyanders5 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A vicious predatory sentient lawnmower terrorizes a golf course. Easygoing owner Norman Osgood (a likable portrayal by William Towner) encourages washed-up alcoholic new pro Roy Kent (a solid performance by Robert North) to take care of the situation as quickly and quietly as possible.

Director Thomas R. Rondilla, who also co-wrote the blithely absurd script with William R. Pace, relates the enjoyably loopy premise at a snappy pace, makes the most out of the sprawling golf course location, maintains a deliciously deadpan tone throughout, presents a neat assortment of colorful eccentric characters, delivers a generous sprinkling of outrageous gore, and even generates a good deal of genuine tension in the last third. Moreover, it's acted with zest by a game no-name cast: Jeremy Whelan as the obsessive and vindictive Deke Slade, Victoria Scott as eager rival pro Kelly Lange, Holly Stevenson as the horny and flirtatious Bea Osgood, Peter Wray as excitable groundskeeper Lyle, Charlie Quinn as doltish police chief Charlie Kimmel, and Bruce Katlin as a jolly whistling morgue attendant. James Hayman's surprisingly polished cinematography boasts lots of nifty lawnmower POV shots. John Hodian's spirited shivery score hits the stirring spot. A real quirky hoot.
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A Tromatastic loser.
mhorg20186 April 2023
I'm sure when the screenwriter was writing this, he was really high on something. At that point he probably thought this was hilarious. Let me correct him: It wasn't and isn't. I have a really broad sense of humor (some might say disturbing) and found nothing about this funny. It was also missing two vital elements for low budget movie whose packaging or synopsis is supposed to suck one in: Copious Nudity and Gore. It has little of either, and the gore is weak. Let's move on past the lame directing and acting. There's practically no good acting in any Troma film. Even my favorite, the Toxic Avenger, has bad acting and the effects are terrible. BUT there are some great topless scenes and while its cheap and bad looking-a ton of gore. I'm not technically a gore hound, but if one makes a movie that's basically a slasher film with a lawnmower, I want the gore. Go watch Blood Rage instead. It's no award winner, but it's better than this!
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more funny than scary!!!
Pete the killer10 April 1999
another cheesy but hilarious film by TROMA. This film is nothing but a funny remake of JAWS. Instead of a shark, it's a pumped up lawnmower, instead of on a beach, it's a golf club course. This film is not to be taken seriously, but if u do watch it, there will be an urge to turn off the movie. At least forward it to the part were they start to hunt the "lawnmower". (just like in jaws)Instead of a boat, it's a van. I'm very surprised the actors and actresses sign on to make a film like this. Again, this movie is not to be taken seriously!!!!!
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Just plain bad
okpilak30 January 2023
I do wonder what the intent of this movie was, since each attempt came up lame. For the type of killing the machine did, rather non-graphic. It probably is intended for an audience of 14-16 year old boys, as there are suggestive comments that may go over their heads that they would find funny, but adults would know why. It could have used tighter editing. There are terrible murders on a golf course, just before a major charity tournament, which of course has to go on. The town police chief is played for a fool as stereotype, and when they allow locals to try and find the killer, it reminds one of a particular shark movie scene. There is a cheating golfer, and an initial suspect, Deke, has a helper named Jason, who is wearing a hockey mask. When they are trying to lure the mower, they throw out hay bales with balloons attached, but fail to show how they blew up the balloons with helium, as there were no blown up balloons in sight at the start. It could have been a fun B-movie if they knew how to play it right with the script, but it simply missed too much.
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Total waste of time
texasboyy3 June 2022
They were apparently going for a mash up of Jaws and Caddyshack but forgot to include anything worth watching. The humor is sophomoric (and not in a good way), the kills are few and far between and mostly happen off screen, and there isn't a single naked chick in sight. Even Jaws and Caddyshack had nudity.

They should have amped up the gore and thrown in several nude women like the Piranha remake did. For example: have the girl in the opening strip off her clothes and go skinny dipping in the golf course lake as an homage to the opening of Jaws. Then she gets killed by the mower in a bloody fashion when she steps of of the water. Instead, all we get are two fully dressed people kissing and then the camera cuts away when the mower attacks them.

Why would anyone watch this clunker? I wish I hadn't. You should avoid it too. Watch Jaws, Caddyshack, and Piranha instead.
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