It was never mentioned in the film that these dances were intended to prolong (momentary) Self-awareness in order to heighten consciousness of the dancers (not the spectators) 9 members of the Mevlevi whirling Dervishes performed similar exercises at speed moving on the lines depicted in Gurdjieff's enneagram with eyes closed at the same time as revolving without touching another. It is not generally known that a crop circle of this 9 pointed star appeared in a field in Cherhill Wiltshire UK on 17 July 1999, the centre of which illustrating the swirling spiral.
This heightened consciousness had the same effects on the participants as on psychedelic drug takers except the latter lose their self-awareness. For me this spiritual aspect of the film clashed with 'Alf Garnet' whose popularity was manifest at the time of the film release