The Trial of Billy Jack (1974)
Tom Laughlin: Billy Jack
Billy Jack : [surrounded by an angry mob] If there is absolutely no way you can get out of taking a terrible beating, the only sensible thing to do is, get in the first lick!
Billy Jack : Everyone has death as his constant companion. He sits with everyone of us every second of our lives, only we're too terrified to really think about that. But once you do it'll completely change your entire outlook on life. You ask yourself even in the most serious crisis "How important would this really be if I were suddenly told that I just had one more week to live?". So you learn to take nothing too seriously.
Billy Jack : You ask yourself "If this were my last act on earth is this what I "really" wanna do?". So you learn on the one hand to be detached from the temporary things of this world, and on the other hand you learn to appreciate every little thing in it all the more.
Prosecuting attorney : Do you expect us to believe that you have absolutely no fear of the death penalty.
Billy Jack : I have a lot of fear, but I have a lot more respect. Long ago, I learned that he's my constant companion. He eats with me, he walks we me, he even sleeps with me.
Prosecuting attorney : I'm sorry, I must have missed something back there. Who is this faithful companion of yours?
Billy Jack : Death.