Gypsy Tom puts Sarah in his truck. As the truck pulls away, there is a license plate on the front bumper. As the truck pulls up to the shed, the license plate is missing.
Bodies were all over the house, but there's absolutely no police anywhere.
Mia Farrow's character walks barefoot across the kitchen floor, which is littered with broken glass, several times during the film and never once cuts her feet. It is only on approximately the third or fourth trip to the kitchen that she finally steps on the glass which is littered all over the floor. Avoiding the broken glass by a blind person on that many occasions defies credibility.
Barker tells Sarah that he was shot outside the kitchen door. Yet apparently, he came in the front door when she found him. The movie doesn't explain where he was when Sarah and Steve went riding, or how he got to the front door.
Sarah drops her boots on the floor after she takes them off. However, as a blind person (even one new to this condition), she would make sure that everything was put away tidily so that it could be found again easily i.e. put her boots standing together next to the cupboard.