The Munsters (TV Series 1964–1966) Poster


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Props to the Actors
zeebrite-321-22076812 April 2012
Credit where credit is due: Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo and Al Lewis are what keep you coming back to the Munsters. Yes, the look of the show (Universal Horror all the way) is great, the writing often clever, the numerous sight gags usually entertaining. But if you didn't have good (very good) acting from the leads this show would have tanked.

Boiled down, the Munsters is a typical family sitcom in a bizarre setting. And while most of the episodes are fun, if feather-light, it didn't take long until the first clunker (#14: Grandpa Leaves Home). And that wasn't the last one but, thankfully, it's in the minority. The reason, again, is that Herman, Lily and Grandpa (along with the kids and numerous guest star appearances) are, frankly, endearing. You become so fond of them that some episodes actually become touching (Happy 100th Anniversary).

Only 70 episodes but that was about the limit of what you could crank out without it becoming painful. Too many sitcoms run on past their welcome. This one managed not to.
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The Life of Riley meets The Addams Family
AlsExGal21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Addams Family - the contemporary of this show - was more about a wealthy family that seemed not quite human in spite of very human looking members. They did have some family members such as cousin It that seemed decidedly not human - covered in hair ( He seemed to be all hair) and speaking in gibberish.

The Munsters were different. They depended upon a salary to keep food on the table - or whatever it was that nourished them. One time, when Lily wants to buy a gift for Herman, she figures the only way their budget can handle it is for her to work nights as a welder. But the Munsters appeared decidedly non -human. Herman (Fred Gwynne in his most famous role...I wonder how he felt about that?) looks like the Frankenstein monster as he was seen in the movies. Lily (Yvonne DeCarlo), his wife is either "The Bride of Frankenstein" (I guess in this reality those two kids work things out) or a daughter of Dracula. What weighs heavily in favor of the Daughter of Dracula is that her father (Al Lewis), known as Grandpa, is definitely a vampire, but he is also a mad scientist. Eddie, Herman and Lily's son, looks like a miniature wolfman. Finally, there is cousin Marilyn who looks like your classically beautiful and completely human blonde. She is blind to the weirdness in her family, and the rest of the Munsters feel sorry for her because she is unattractive by their standards, and that means it will be difficult for her to find a husband - still a huge milestone in 1960s America for a young woman.

Too late to make a long story short, the Addams family is a normal looking family that is spooky, the Munsters are a spooky looking family that wants to be normal, and considers themselves normal. When the PTA or the school administration comes over to talk about their son, they are very interested and produce their best spider cookies. When Herman's boss pays a visit, played to perfection by the -by that time - rather prune faced emotionally embalmed John Carradine , the whole family is at attention. They NEED Herman's salary. Just like the Clampetts in The Beverly Hillbillies, they always misunderstand every interaction with the "normal" world.

Two matters of interest. This show seems to be a bit of a knock off of "Car 64 Where Are You?" since Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis were in that show playing people of similar disposition, except they were entirely human and they were cops. The other point of interest - Marilyn should be attracting normal guys. But the one time she does attract a suitor who wants to elope with her, his interest is entirely financial, and pertains to a formula for turning water into gasoline that Granpa invented. Is this show telling us not to judge a book by its cover? That someone who "looks" different, maybe even scary by our own standards, may be the most decent person you will ever meet? I don't know. Could be.
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A must-see CBS hit!
Catherine_Grace_Zeh19 July 2006
"THE MUNSTERS," in my opinion, is a must-see CBS hit! Despite the fact that I've never seen every episode, I still enjoyed it. It's hard to say which one is my favorite. Also, I really loved the theme song. If you ask me, even though I liked everyone, it would have been nice if everyone had stayed on the show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, even though it can be seen on TV Land now, I strongly recommend you catch it just in case it goes off the air for good.
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The Perfect Family
Big Movie Fan12 August 2002
Oh, I wish they made shows like The Munsters today. I have many happy memories of watching it. It was so innocent and so amusing. Somebody should release it onto DVD as soon as possible.

The Munsters were the perfect family. They may have been ugly, they may have been weird and they may have been totally eccentric but they loved each other and cared so much about each other.

The Munsters emphasized traits such as loyalty to your family and love (qualities not found in many shows today). But once you get past all that you had many highly amusing stories. One that springs to mind for me is when Herman and Grandpa Munster get locked in a bank vault one night just as a pair of robbers are about to steal the loot.

The one thing I enjoyed about The Munsters was it's total innocence. No bad language, no sex, no violence, just pure entertainment. Oh, it was brilliant. I cannot praise it enough.
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Atmospheric, colorful fun!
moonspinner551 September 2002
I think the problem with TV sitcoms these days is that 90% of the them are filmed in front of studio audiences. Save for the cable-TV comedies, adventurous shows like "The Munsters" don't get made today. They went OUTSIDE, they drove around. Everything wasn't confined to the sets, although their house was a doozy and I loved it every time action took place down in Grandpa's basement. What a bunch of great characters these were (with kudos to Al Lewis and--God bless him--Fred Gwynne). Many of the episodes--such as the classic one where Eddie runs amok on a popular ghoul-TV program, "Zombo"--are still very pointed today, and just as funny. Herman's super strength was always good for a colorful sight-gag, Yvonne De Carlo's Lily was the perfect straight-face for Herman's antics. And don't forget that Drag-U-La...what a beauty!
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The family of fright
nickenchuggets25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like a bunch of other shows from the 1960s, The Munsters hardly gets the attention it deserves today. Even back when it was new, the show was mostly overshadowed by its always more successful rival; The Addams Family. I'll give credit where it's due. Addams Family is still a good show, but it's not on the same level of hilarity The Munsters is. To be honest, I hardly laugh at the Addams Family, but this show has a lot of moments that are hysterically funny. While being similar in style to its biggest competitor, The Munsters focuses on a family of 5 monsters who view themselves the same way as any american family, and are thus confused whenever people run away in fear from them. The family consists of Herman Munster (Fred Gwynne), his wife Lily (Yvonne de Carlo), son Eddie (Butch Patrick), Lily's father, Grandpa (Al Lewis) and Marilyn (Pat Priest), Herman's niece. The majority of funny moments the show has are derived from the fact that the main characters are not human beings, with Herman being Frankenstein's monster, Lily and Grandpa being vampires, and Eddie being a werewolf. Funnily enough, Marilyn is the only member of the family that is a normal human, leading to her relatives labeling her the "ugly duckling." Originally planned to be a color show, The Munsters was changed to black and white at the last minute because the producers wanted it to resemble old Universal horror films such as Dracula and Frankenstein, which I think was an overall prudent choice. Because the show's main characters are either undead or some other type of monster, you might get the wrong idea that The Munsters is just a horror show that only focuses on trying to creep out its intended audience, but no. It actually has a great amount of variety when it comes to its storylines. There's too many funny episodes to get into here, and you'll need to watch them yourself to see why they're hilarious anyway, but believe me when I tell you that no two episodes are alike. One of the best the show has to offer is the one where Herman and Grandpa build Eddie a go-kart for his birthday, and Herman wants to give it a test drive before the day arrives to see if it works. The ensuing footage remains one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. The family also owns a cuckoo clock with a raven inside, which pops out occasionally to say "nevermore", an obvious reference to Edgar Allen Poe. One thing I never realized is how this raven is voiced by Mel Blanc. While I think The Munsters is a great show full of funny moments that retain their hilarity for decades, the show isn't an exception to somewhat bad writing. For one thing, I never was able to understand why Grandpa is called Grandpa by everyone in the show. Not only does this imply he doesn't have an actual name, but the only character he's a grandfather to is Eddie. Another thing I didn't really like is how the intro of the show eventually changes. The first intro is actually a parody of the Donna Reed show, in which Reed makes loving gestures towards all the members of the cast and kisses them as they walk past her. Lily does the same thing in the first opening sequence. I would have liked to see The Munsters keep that intro, but it didn't. On top of all the positives I've listed, The Munsters also has a (much) better theme song than The Addams Family, and it really goes with the show's macabre style, while also sounding like surf music. Overall, The Munsters is one of the 1960's best shows, and features great acting from Gwynne, de Carlo (who was the only truly famous actor there), and the others. It's just sad it's always been shoved to the side in favor of an arguably less funny show. It's also unfortunate how Batman ultimately took down The Munsters, as the show was still well rated in 1966, but it couldn't keep up with how much of a phenomenon Batman was, and was thus cancelled.
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The memories...
poe42629 December 2012
As far as I'm concerned, THE MUNSTERS featured the quintessential American family: eccentric, perhaps, but quintessentially American. That they all looked like they'd just stepped straight out of a classic Universal horror movie (with the notable exception of Marilyn, who actually turned out to be a shape-shifter of sorts...) only added to their many charms. Though the level-headed head of the household, Herman was often just a great big kid at heart, with an infectious laugh and boyish charm; Lily Munster, if not THE sexiest woman to ever ramrod a telefamily, was certainly Number Two- and I never laid eyes on Number One; and Grandpa was that iconic family elder who dispensed the Wisdom of the Ages with a mad cackle and an abra cadabra. Eddie was lucky, indeed, to have been surrounded by such a loving family unit. Santa Claws dropped off THE MUNSTERS: A TRIP DOWN MOCKINGBIRD LANE by Stephen Cox just a few days ago, and I've been immersing myself in all things Munster ever since. None of the subsequent attempts to revive the show ever came close to the charm of the original (the MOCKINGBIRD LANE debacle of just a month or so ago has to be by far the worst of the worst); but, as long as Home Video exists, THE MUNSTERS will live on (and on, and on).
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One of my all time favorites!
Gm-774-47115625 August 2013
What a wonderful series! I remember it was broadcast on Austrian television in the 80's in English with German subtitles. There's no way you can translate Grandpa's Brooklyn accent into German, or any other language. ("I wus down in the laab today..." or "Hoiman" instead of "Herman"). Fred Gwynne, Yvonne DeCarlo and Al Lewis are no longer with us. I hope the series lives on, worldwide, but please only in the original language. There was a later series that used the same story line but different actors and actresses, broadcast in Germany and Austria and dubbed in German. It flopped. This was one of the great moments in American television.
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Just A Happy Family Of American Monsters
strong-122-4788858 February 2017
Come on down to the spooky-looking mansion at 1313 Mockingbird Lane and join The Munsters, a happy family of friendly "monsters", who (consider themselves "normal") manage to get themselves into all sorts of silly, hair-raising situations that have the folks in town running away in fright.

This goofy, yet, fun and good-natured TV Sit-Com from the mid-1960s is enjoyable entertainment for all ages.

The crazy antics of Fred Gwynne, as Herman Munster, and Al Lewis, as Grandpa, are the highlight of the show.

Filmed in black and white - I really liked this show's spooky, up-tempo theme music.
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Lily, for just once in this family, let's let the dead stay buried!
RiffRaffMcKinley1 September 2007
"The Munsters" isn't quite as good as its contemporary, "The Addams Family," but it's still a great show-- just very different.

In fact, the Munster/Addams comparison, I've come to realize, is totally unfair. As "AF" cast member Lisa Loring said on a DVD commentary, "the Addams Family is more like the Marx Brothers and the Munsters were like the 3 Stooges." That's a great way to sum it up. The humor on "The Munsters" is more in rimshot-oriented jokes ("Have you heard of our family doctor back in Germany? Dr. Frankenstein? He made me what I am today") and the bumbling goofiness of Herman. Lily is also a far more independent and formidable wife than Morticia, who's not afraid to bend Herman to her will, and she's played so perfectly by the late, great Yvonne de Carlo. Al Lewis is terrific as Grandpa, and Butch Patrick is probably the most grown-up of them all, the 1960s equivalent of Tommy Solomon in attitude and appearance. And the various Marilyns are interesting as well.

However, a lot of the jokes on this show can be very corny and predictable, and it was starting to stagnate a little after the end of the first season. But it's still a very memorable show worth watching and laughing at.
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I preferred the Addams Family
mhorg201820 June 2018
While I did watch the Munsters, they tried too hard to be an all american family and didn't have the innate weirdness of the Addams Family. The cast was great and some episodes were funny, but it was bit too stereotypical sitcom fare for me.
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Non-conformist Fun
bh-boclraca25 May 2003
I was almost 11 when both "The Munsters" and "Addams Family" had their debut in 1964. To put these shows in perspective is to realize that this year marks the beginning of an era of non-conformity and social turbulence. "The Munsters" was about a family that always thought of itself as "normal" and average middle class, but was shunned and feared by not only their neighbors, but just about everyone they came in contact with, because of their non-conformity. "Addams Family" was fun too, but this non-conformist family was wealthy, eccentric and felt they were better than their neighbors. I always favored "The Munsters" for its slapstick play between Herman and Grampa, its broken-down haunted house look, their "ugly ducking" niece, Marilyn, Grandpa's bumbling spells and their fabulous dragster, among other things. The shows were always well-written and I still laugh at the double-meanings used during their jokes. One of my favorite episodes is "Autumn Croakus", where Grampa's mail-order bride, the Black Widow, asks Lily if they have any other relatives living there. Lily: "No, they're all dead." Black Widow: "Oh, that's a shame. They're all deceased?" Lily (poker-faced):"No, just dead." When the Black Widow is captured by the police after fleeing when she meets Herman, the police talk to Marilyn. Policeman (laughing): "She believes you have a monster in your house..." Marilyn (incredulous): "Monster? There's nobody in that house but my family!" When Herman accidently gets into the Black Widow's bed and they both wake up, staring at each other, Herman's hysterical screaming, along with the lady's, is hilarious. In "Love Locked Out", as Lily fumes when Herman stays out late at an office party, the smart-alecky raven in the clock gives the time, "It's midnight...and the bum's not home yet!!!" If "The Munsters" ever becomes available on DVD, I will be one of the first to order it.
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Munsters Inc
safenoe21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Munsters pretty much ran alongside The Addams Family, and there seemed to be room in the 1960s for two TV sitcoms that had the edge of macabre and all, and something the kids could watch after coming home from a hard day at school and so on.

Anyway, it's interesting to see how The Munsters and The Addams Family have worked their way through pop culture over the past six decades, because wow, that's when both series debuted, goodness, that long ago.

I must admit I haven't seen any of The Munsters TV movies and I haven't seen the Rob Zombie movie reboot but still it does live on in pop culture.
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Good Actors Trapped in One of the Worst Series Ever
quitwastingmytime3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fred Gwyn did some amazing dramatic work. Most today only remember him as the judge in My Cousin Vinny. It's sad that many know him from this awful, unfunny, hackneyed series. Imagine being remembered for bad makeup making bad jokes as a 10th rate Frankenstein imitation.

Yvonne DeCarlo also played some great dramatic roles, was a lovely leading lady opposite Rock Hudson and others. Here she's made into an awful Vampira knockoff.

It was a blatant attempt to imitate the far superior and actually funny Addams Family. "How can we cash in the Addams? Let's make a family where Frankenstein's the father and Dracula's the mother. Wolfkid instead of Wolfman."

A 10 year old could have come up with a better show, and 10 year olds and younger were the only ones to briefly watch it. There was zero laughs for the entire short run of this piece of junk. Never has a show needed a laugh track more.

Addams Family has two great film remakes. No one will ever remake this. No one, not even the ones who made this series, thinks highly of it. The high reviews come from those seeing with nostalgia colored glasses.
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"Herman Munster don't you dare!"
BumpyRide6 February 2006
This show can easily be dismissed as being so stupid it's funny, but there's more to it than just obvious jokes with a laugh track. The cast was fabulous but also talented; many having Hollywood careers or television experience prior to the show. Look at all the reincarnations (sorry) of the show and then compare the cast to the original set. No contest. Also the sets and costumes were really cool, who doesn't like Granpa's dungeon or their telephone "booth" or the Munstermobile? Some of the story lines were hilarious but my person favorite is "A House Divided." The only regret I have is that it didn't go on for one more season, who knows, maybe it would have been in ghoulish color!
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qtdfkte19 July 2021
This show is brilliant and hilarious. The writing is intelligent and the cast is wonderful. The Munsters are a great way to escape from the utter garbage the TV and movie industry puts out now.
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THE MUNSTERS: An Eccentric Family
Jinxxa_Wolf10 March 2024
THE MUNSTERS (1964-1966) Although some compare this to "The Addams Family" due to similar theme (dark comedy revolving around strange undead family) and exact same run time, (as well as suspiciously sourced material). This series definitely had its own vibes. Much more slapsticky and light-hearted, but still entertaining, memorable and endearing. Both shows had their own unique values and qualities. Normal is abnormal with The Munsters, the family of monsters.

"The Munsters are a weird but honest family. Herman (the father) is Frankenstein's monster. Lily (his wife) and Grandpa (her father) are vampires. Eddie (their little son) is a werewolf. Marilyn (their niece) is the only normal one (that is the ugly duck of the family)."

Original, Inspired or Stolen? This series was a fun, albeit parody (?) series loosely rewritten, likely inspired by (although some say borrowed) from the classic Charles Addams comics. Universal studios is said to have made their "own" version, at the same time, inadvertently inspired by his ideas, as "The Addams Family" could not use the copyrighted characters of "Dracula" and "Frankenstien" back then, both being Universal studios owned characters. Or at least that's what a little digging turns up. It always seemed to be too much of a coincidence for these two extremely similarly themed shows to turn up side by side at the exact same time.

But knock-offs, The Munsters are not! Happily for us, audiences got two great shows! Although they are often pitted off as rival series, with similar content and themes, how can you truly hate one or the other? Both series were great and entertaining and that's because they share a similar root, in my opinion. Like two apples from the same tree. There are no coincidences.
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Benign Monsters
view_and_review20 March 2024
I'm not sure which aired first: "The Addams Family" or "The Munsters," but I always had the impression that "The Munsters" was trying to copy "The Addams Family." Of course, none of that mattered to me as a kid. In fact, I liked "The Munsters" more; partially because I saw more episodes of it and partially because I thought it was funnier. Both shows were off the air before I was even born, so I was watching reruns.

"The Munsters" were led by Herman Munster (Fred Gwynne) who can probably be remembered as the judge in the movie "My Cousin Vinny." He was the funniest and most prominent character. I loved when he would laugh and stomp his feet and shake the entire house. The other Munsters were Grandpa (Al Lewis), Lily (Yvonne De Carlo), Eddie (Butch Patrick), and Marilyn (played by Pat Priest and Beverly Owen). None of them were as large, literally and figuratively, as Herman Munster.
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An all time-favourite
TheLittleSongbird22 July 2011
When I was a kid The Munsters was a big favourite, and at 19 it still is. The costumes, sets and photography still look great after all these years, and the music is more than memorable. The humour is perhaps broader than a 60s series like The Addams Family(also a classic) but goodness isn't the humour hilarious too? The lines are sharp and the slapstick uproarious. And it really helps that (at least to me that is) the laughter track is never inappropriate or annoying. The stories are always well-paced and entertaining, Grandpa's experiments are worth the viewing alone and the characters are so lovable and genuinely for each other as a family, my personal favourite is Eddie. The acting is spot on, Al Lewis, Fred Gwynne, Yvonne DeCarlo and Butch Patrick are just perfect. Overall, another TV classic of the 60s. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Imdb is assassinating my reviews
ThunderKing69 November 2021
Munsters was like a Khazar show.

It was mixed with comedy and horror. With the means to desensitize people to practice witchcraft and dark activities. Nevertheless, if you were intelligent you can still accept this as a good show without being manipulated.

Anyways, A great show for the family. Its "Familytainment" and you can feel "relaxtained".

If you liked the Addams Family then you should like this show too.

Yokeness level: 0.
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An Alternative to the Addams family!
Sylviastel12 May 2007
I was more familiar with the Munsters than with the Addams family. I thought the Munsters were more friendly and less threatening and less spooky. The show had a first rate cast that featured Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster, the lovable Frankenstein father figure, Yvonne De Carlo as Lily Munster, the vampire's daughter, and Grandpa played by Al Lewis. Lewis and Gwynne were also in Car 54 together so they worked quite well on this show. I thought the relationships between these characters were more authentic and less serious at times. While they scared their neighbors or would be visitors, the laughter was on the audience because we fell in love with this odd-looking family. Who cares if the grandfather is a vampire who can turn himself into a bat? Or that the father works as a gravedigger? Or that lovely Lily Munster looks like a vampire herself? or that little Eddie Munster looks like a future wolfman? As long as the family was functional, that they loved each other despite society's disapproving views and looks upon them. The show is still being shown to a new audience and maybe today's audiences will amuse themselves inside the Munster estate at 1313 Mockingbird lane.
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I love this show
myneesh22 December 2017
All the characters are great especially Grandpa! All the characters are great especially Grandpa!
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I watched some of these reruns as a child
tymagnie11 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd give it a try as an adult. Now that I've seen it again I'm sorry to report that this show is really poorly written. I enjoy a lot of old shows and more specifically old radio shows. So I'm not just someone comparing older shows to what's done recently. That being said I found myself wondering "have these writers ever even heard a joke before? Much less written one." If it weren't for the insane amount of canned laughter I might not have even realized that these things that were said were supposed to be jokes. The episode where the father goes to town to purchase a car for his daughter is particularly confounding. One has to wonder if a script was even written or if they were thinking "we'll just speed up the camera and have someone fall down a lot". I watch it gawking at the screen trying to comprehend how the people that were involved in a delightful show "leave it to beaver" spawned this misguided "comedy".
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The Munsters!
Movie Nuttball21 February 2005
One of the greatest television shows of all time in My opinion is the Munsters! The show starred legendary actors Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Beverley Owen, Pat Priest, Butch Patrick, and Mel Blanc! First I will want to commentate about the characters and the actors who played them and then I will talk about why I think this program is one of the best. I am just thrilled about how these actors are in this great series. Fred Gwynne was just incredible. Being a large fellow already was something but becoming Herman Munster he became huge! I was so surprised how agile he was. He had such a charming personality as well. Yvonne De Carlo was already a beautiful woman but I thought that she was so neat as Lily! Her character is one the most beautiful woman character that I haven seen on the screen! Al Lewis' Grandpa is such a hilarious charmer. He is arguably the most talented actor of all time. Beverley Owen and Pat Priest both gave the Marilyn character great personality. My favorite is Owen's Marilyn. Butch Patrick's Eddie was good a very good personality as well. Mel Blanc's raven was cute! The other animal characters such as Kitty and Spot were also cute. I loved the guest stars that appeared in the shows. The sets such as the Munsters' house and such all looked realistic. I loved the spookiness of the series and how it was like Halloween all the time! In My opinion each and every episode was great and funny. The theme music by Jack Marshall was also very good. I think that this series is just wonderful and that in My opinion its arguably the greatest one ever. If you can watch this show on TV strongly I recommend it and I also strongly recommend that you head over to and purchase the First Complete Season of The Munsters on DVD! I strongly recommend The Munsters!
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Great Situation Comedy from the 60s.
johnnypic81627 February 2022
This show always had me laughing in the late 60s to 70s. You will never see another comedy like it.

Very creative and original scripts. Superb cast with Fred Gwynn's, Yvonne DeCarlo and Al Lewis.
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