I recently rewatched The New Tale of Zatoichi (1963) on a random streaming service. The storyline follows Zatoichi as he returns home seeking peace. However, he finds anything but-his hometown is threatened by a local mob, the brother of a man he killed is tracking him down, and two women fall in love with him. Can Zatoichi save himself and his townspeople from these challenges?
Directed by Tokuzô Tanaka (The Haunted Castle), the film stars Shintarô Katsu (*Hanzo the Razor), Mikiko Tsubouchi (Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters), Seizaburô Kawazu (Yojimbo), and Fujio Suga (The Master Spearman).
Shintarô Katsu is fantastic in all of these movies, but it's especially fun to watch a younger depiction of his character. Zatoichi is an easy character to root for-always noble and righteous. I always hope he'll get the girl in the end, even when you know how things are likely to conclude. The female lead in this film is both compelling and complex, making her someone you can root for and against. The overall storyline is intricate, well-written, and a pleasure to watch unfold. The choreography is top-notch, with a thrilling opening fight at a bar, a dynamic battle when he first arrives in town, and a final samurai showdown that could go either way. There's a lot to appreciate here.
In conclusion, The New Tale of Zatoichi is another worthwhile entry in this series and an absolute must-see. I would score it a 7.5/10 and strongly recommend it.