I watched this movie when I saw Don Seigel was one of the directors. I was not disappointed.
Siegel's cinematography is always first rate...in this movie it captures a Spain that no longer exists. The authentic Spain that has disappeared between forests of condos--millions of tourists and strip malls all of it. Ironically the theme of the movie is trying to upgrade Spain to accept modern (circa 1957) architecture.
The movie is far better than a travelogue yet has the lightness and easy flow of one...it is more almost a documentary of Spain and Spanish culture with out being boring. As well it has a nice romantic story that is not heavy handed or irritating in anyway and brings more of the Spanish culture to light.
This movie was an excellent accidental find on Netflix Streaming.
I have learned that directors are usually the most important element in a film. Writers are probably even more critical but they can be ruined easily by bad direction or acting. Siegel is talented and intelligent he studied art in London at some famous school before becoming a director.
He is known for his Clint Eastwood movies and helping form Eastwood into what he is.
Highly recommend it is beautiful and intelligent. It uses English in a foreign setting is a quality perfect way.