If you're in to super generic isekai anime...you'll probably still hate this anime
18 August 2024
Ok, so, this anime is about as generic as an isekai can get with one extremely annoying caveat...the kids. Idk who thought it would be a good idea to have the twins speak 99% of their lines in unison, but they do and it's incredibly annoying. Just picture 2 high pitch kids voices screaming "I want one" or "let's go" in unison every 10 seconds over the course of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. It's unbearable. It turns what would be a typical, semi-enjoyable, generic isekai into something borderline unwatchable.

I happen to watch and enjoy pretty much every isekai that comes out, so my rating has absolutely nothing to do with it being a generic isekai. It's entirely based on how intolerable 2 of the 3 MCs are. They make the children super strong, but incredibly 1 dimensional with absolutely ZERO individual personality. All they do is yell 2 or 3 words at a time in unison. It's absolutely awful.
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