"Battle in the Box" is a brilliantly conceived game show, where Jimmy Carr sends celebs into a toothbrush-toting tussle for floorspace! Eight episodes, eight pairs, and one empty box-sounds like a bargain basement IKEA flatpack, right? 😜
The format? Win challenges to gain space; lose, and the sliding box wall squeezes you like a humourless comedian's joke!
Comedy, entertainment, and reality TV merge in this space-challenged show. Carr's humour and commentary balance the competition's intensity, making it a fun-watch for fans laughing and looking at funny humans.
I'll rate it 9/10 at the end of the first 2 episodes!
The format? Win challenges to gain space; lose, and the sliding box wall squeezes you like a humourless comedian's joke!
Comedy, entertainment, and reality TV merge in this space-challenged show. Carr's humour and commentary balance the competition's intensity, making it a fun-watch for fans laughing and looking at funny humans.
I'll rate it 9/10 at the end of the first 2 episodes!