Hotel Mondial (2023)
Anty stereotypical show!
22 December 2023
The main subject of the show in my opinion is the diversity in all its forms. That's the potential that NEEDS to be explored further: -queer mature, strong women, -young people trying to find their place in life, -open relationship, -anti-ageism, -anti-racism, -non-conformism.

Show is portraying characters who are from different cultures, races, social and economic structures, doesn't matter their sex, age, body type or sexual orientation. That's beautiful and should be cherished, propagated and explored.

The main caracters are solid, showed in a proper way, built with good inside stories, interesting.

TV series should focus a bit more on the audiance perspective and explore further Uli&Eva phenomenon, which keeps the audiance in 70 countries on their toes. But still, there is a suspens, bit of comedy, and fair review of the diversity in the society.

That's something amazing.

Whole instagram movement created around this show and Let's change the picture campaign is just mindblowing.

Recommended to watch if you need the value, not just superficial drama.
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