Police State (2023)
Dinesh does it yet again!
13 November 2023
So glad a few real true and honest Americans are standing up against the idiocy going rampant in America today. This film should be required watching in all our schools, colleges, and especially universities. But even if we did, many would still scoff. What we really need is another 911 to wake everyone up again but it may have to be far worse to keep them awake this time, this movie basically tells of that "beginning" that is going on right now that will lead to a very real dystopian nightmare here if people do not wake up to it and stop it by getting involved and being concerned and doing something about it rather than sitting in comfort and being complacent. I hope this country can be turned around and soon, but this may not be the case. America is not mentioned in the Bible so we may not exist very shortly. Share this movie with all those you love that care about their dying country.
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