This was really tough to watch until the end. I still love the original TV series with Thomas Ohrner and Horst Frank. That was intelligent creative writing and acting. But this one here is just childish and ridiculous. You will see talking mice, that were actually laughable demons (one is a man dressed up as a woman) working for the Baron. The story itself is also very different from the original series. It is set in another time (30ies or 40ies from the look of the cars and fashion). Then Timm's father brings another woman with her son into his life. After he died poor Timm has to live with the evil stepmom and stepbrother. The Baron comes across as an Idiot who has lost everything and is trying too hard to get a purpose in his life. The develish portrayal of Horst Frank from the original series is totally missing here.
Overall this remake as a movie absolutely missed the mark. It is totally forgettable and utterly garbage. Thomas Ohrner, the original Timm Thaler has a cameo appearance in this movie. That was at least one good thing.
Overall this remake as a movie absolutely missed the mark. It is totally forgettable and utterly garbage. Thomas Ohrner, the original Timm Thaler has a cameo appearance in this movie. That was at least one good thing.