Worst First 20 min of any TV series but..
19 June 2023
The start of this TV series is incredibly confusing, making it difficult to follow. The writing is poorly executed, and only those with an optimistic outlook might be able to endure it. However, there is a glimmer of hope that emerges later on as the writing improves slightly. Many discussions about the fragmented script are warranted, as there is a lack of likable characters in the show. It's challenging to form a connection with them, and when you do start to feel sorry for them, they disappoint you with their nonsensical actions that make you think they deserve their own consequences.

While the occasional use of an out-of-order narrative can be effective, in this case, it creates an unrealistic portrayal of the main character's mother. She is depicted as perfect, which could be interpreted as the protagonist's idealized memory rather than reality. Nevertheless, the entire story feels disjointed, with disconnected elements such as the brother, mother, father, and rebellious daughter. It simply fails to come together in a cohesive manner, leaving the audience feeling unfulfilled. It's a chaotic mess that relies too heavily on excessive swearing, sex, and unmet expectations.
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