Shall we just call it "The Laughing Corpse"?
2 November 2022
From the versatile (albeit rather monotonous) mind of Edgar Wallace comes another reasonably effective Krimi that incomprehensibly isn't called "The Laughing Corpse". I think we can all agree this would make a much better title than the dull and irrelevant titles "The Zombie Walks" or "The Hand of Power". The best sequence is the opening, when during the funeral of the wealthy but eccentric Sir Oliver the pallbearers drop the casket because diabolical laughter suddenly comes from inside of it. When soon after the heirs of Sir Oliver are getting killed, the remaining family members are convinced he returned as a vengeful zombie.

The usual Krimi-ingredients are there, like far too many characters that are all suspects, and the only way to prove their innocence is by dying at the hand of the real killer. Scotland Yard hero Joachim Fuchsberger is present again, but to my knowledge this is the first and only Krimi without the annoying Eddi Arent as the comic relief. Instead, the charismatic Hubert Von Meyerinck provides the redundant comical interludes. Oh, there's also a guy with a green face, but everybody seems to think this is totally normal. It must be said the killer looks awesome! He wears a creepy skull mask, in combination with long hair, a black cloak and hat, and uses scorpion's venom to murder his victim. Where can I pick up his outfit to celebrate Halloween?
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