Review of Aftermath

Aftermath (IV) (2021)
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just cannot watch a movie where the audience is assumed to be a moron and that is what this movie does. Too many plot holes!

I have to spoil this one here, so if you have not seen it, don't read on.

After all the tension and build up, we are to believe that in this spacious open floor plan home, there is a killer living in the walls? Not only did the couple miss this but the audience, too? No! No! No!

Thoroughly not plausible! This killer that cannot comb his hair nor find a toothbrush deodorant body spray or a decent t shirt somehow goes out and gets syringes, rare poisons, food, whips, chains and locks? This smelly guy hides bodies in this house that nobody notices? This is not a CASTLE is it a regular house!

Why? What did I watch? Nothing came together or made any sense. It was like the first half of the movie, with tension and a plot, ran out of budget and a group of third graders came in and just finished off the story with whatever came to mind and in ten minutes the whole movie just got finished up.

This kind of crap should just get scrapped right away instead of finished. Maybe they should have thrown in a satanic velociraptor in the attic just for complete idiocy.... I mean, why not. It had deteriorated to that point anyway.
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