I am not a big fan of reviewing an entire series...
16 February 2021
As it doesn't begin to paint the picture. There can be really great episodes. Really bad episodes. Boring episodes. So....if there are 3 segments a show...usually 1 is good. Sometimes none are good. Very rarely are 2 good. And I don' think I have to watch an episode where all 3 segments are good. So episodes are completely forgettable. Some...there is a handful of good bits in a segment. Sometimes...the idea of the segment is good...but the execution...not so much. So...this is definitely not a 10 or 9 or 8. 7 and is really too high. And I could have given it a 6...but upon further thought...no. It is definitely more bad than good.

And...it is not like every episode of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart or Colbert Report was amazing. No. There was a lot of bad episodes there...or...1 good segment out of 3. So...this is definitely not as good, as consistently as DS and CR....but it does have it's moments. It took me a while to warm up to Sam Bee on the DS, but I ended up really liking her pieces. So...I'm trying to be as...what's the word??? Cordial? No. Even handed? I guess. I'm not judging this that harshly...but there's a lot of stuff that either isn't for me at all...or if it is, it ain't hitting the mark.
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