Game became much better than terrible first part. The protagonist now knows more than 2 words, learned how to run.
Developers added normal cut-scenes, added auto health regeneration, normal shooting mechanic, action scenes, better plot presentation. The picture became more pleasant, more interesting locations.
Game on medium difficulty is too difficult, some enemies could oneshot me, too many enemies at once, little disbalanced. Bad checkpoints, pause doesn't work, on pause I can be killed, and you can't skips the cut scenes.
Developers added normal cut-scenes, added auto health regeneration, normal shooting mechanic, action scenes, better plot presentation. The picture became more pleasant, more interesting locations.
Game on medium difficulty is too difficult, some enemies could oneshot me, too many enemies at once, little disbalanced. Bad checkpoints, pause doesn't work, on pause I can be killed, and you can't skips the cut scenes.