I'm giving it an extra star because they redesigned sonic
16 February 2020
Honestly this was a movie I was never really planning to see. I thought it was another cash grab at our nostalgia. But when the initial trailer came out with the original sonic, I partook in the hilarious and frightening memes and joined in on the criticism. When I found out that they were redesigning Sonic due to the backlash - I was shocked. I never thought a studio would listen to our voice, and oh was our voice heard.

So after I saw the second trailer I thought to myself, well, I guess I gotta go see it now. "Put your money where your mouth is." If the studio took the time to do this for us then I will gladly pay my money to see this.

And I'm glad I did. It's a fun movie. It's not perfect by any means, but it's an enjoyable film for the family. I love the new Sonic, I love the cast, Jim Carrey is spectacular as always. It was a fun movie from start to finish. And it was really entertaining. I love the voice character for Sonic too, I think he fit perfectly. I would've given it a 7/10 but like I mentioned before, an extra star for caring about the fans and the audience.
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