Pressa (2007–2012)
28 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was so-so! The second was off the chart for worst plot EVER! The story line centers around the dysfunction of mom and daughter. Mom sacrifices family life for her job as a reporter. She's given up her husband, her baby, her father and her daughter all for job, which, ironically, she never covers a story. Instead season two follows the antics of her 14 year old daughter who is hanging out with drug dealers, gets pregnant by one of them, goes for an abortion which she decides against, then takes pills in a failed suicide attempt which then causes the termination of her pregnancy, is then put into psych ward where her thug boyfriend comes and helps her escape. She has plan to runoff to Venezuela with thug boyfriend after armed robbery. Police come, thwarts robbery, boyfriend is killed in standoff. Icing on the cake for this stupid storyline, nothing happens to the daughter who aided and abetted the drug dealers. Throughout the season mom keeps trying to rescue her low life daughter from every disastrous situation she got herself in....constantly stupidly saying "but it's Alda" as if she was some stellar contributor to society. My wife and I laughed hysterically throughout the entire last episode. Surely no serious show could intentionally write such a horrible storyline!
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