Sweetheart (I) (2019)
Good movie.
16 October 2019
So let's think about the budget this movie had, about the actors, the surroundings, the plot, and if we add all of them, it comes off as a beautiful effort. It doesn't have to take too much in order to make a nice little gem for yourself, and as shown here, with a right direction, you can achieve lots of things.

Sweetheart was interesting from start to finish, did not focus on more details than it should, it comes off as those lovely first 15 minutes from I Am Legend, but manages to continue like such, without divulging too much and simply staying on the story. You get to see more and more, to stick some pieces together yet always pay attention on what's important, and this I do believe it is the beauty of a simpler movie: less is more.

Sweetheart is an great example of how horror/survival/in the woods/ monster movie should present itself, not just copy this one, but come forward with the material after it was properly put together and gone through every little step. I salute Sweetheart and also recommend to you Prey (2019), tad bit alike, both decent add-ons to horror.

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