Review of Verekivi

Verekivi (1973)
The price of blood.
30 June 2017
This film is called 'Poor Mans The Last Relic'. It is obvious that this film was made in vain of much more superior adventure classic 'The Last Relic'. 'Verekivi' (Blood Stone?) was the director's first feature and it went to become his last. Well, it is clear - the film is probably the greatest Estonian bad films of all times. So bad it's good. The script was badly developed, characters were one dimensional (maybe except Baron Von Üxküll), staging was amateurish, and that soundtrack. Don't get me wrong - the soundtrack was cool, but it was totally out of place. The music mostly didn't fit into the film or ruined the atmosphere of the scene. Dramatic and tragic scene where something horrible happens with the character, and then - an upbeat song starts to play. Tell me about inappropriate film score. The music annoyed at first, but after first 20 minutes I started to enjoy it. This so out of the place music gave much more entertaining value to the messy scenario and direction.

With that great soundtrack and couple of stand out lines or one liners, like they are called, that film is true Estonian cult film in the purest sense. So bad it is actually enjoyable. And the short running time doesn't turn it into excruciating viewing experience.
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