Hapless leading man tanks so-so comedy
28 August 2016
First the good news: This period comedy set around the time of the passage of the anti-gay Prop 8 legislation has a largely fine ensemble of actors, especially the always interesting "Shortbus" veteran Peter Stickles, but they're saddled with a meandering script that, at just under two hours, is easily 30-45 minutes too long.

Far more damaging is the casting of Matthew Montgomery in the leading comic role of a hapless nerd. I've never understood how this low-energy, charisma-free actor keeps getting work in gay indies, and here it's equally obvious that he couldn't find the joke in a scene if his life depended on it. He's the character we're supposed to be pulling for, yet Montgomery's clumsy, clueless performance is an unfunny disaster that renders the main love story nonsensical. Why do so many interesting, engaging, funny people in this movie like this guy who just sucks the joy out of a scene every time he enters it? It's a puzzlement. I'm going to be giving a pass to any future Montgomery vehicles, that's for sure.
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