Ravening wolves
29 May 2016
This short subject is an object lesson about not judging a book by its cover. Even if the cover is rather disheveled.

This film was made under Christian auspices, but it's serviceable for general audiences. The operating bible parable though is that one about people looking like sheep but are inwardly ravening wolves.

Sherry Driggs is doing an afternoon's shopping with daughter Mia Gomsky when they decide they're hungry and go to a delicatessen with some table seating. The tables are full as this is lunch hour.

As for the rest of it all I can say is that some sheep are indeed ravening wolves with predatory designs. And some people do give off a bad first impression. For myself I've never tried to judge by first impressions, they can mislead.

This looks like it was shot during someone's lunch break, but it's not a bad short subject and not preachy at all.
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