Great Family Film
9 May 2016
A number of friends and my husband and I watched this tonight and all of us enjoyed it. It hit many emotional chords, so take your Kleenex! It is not the plot that Joseph Smith - another reviewer - claims it is. He clearly has not seen this film - or if he has, he is not describing the story we just viewed - it has nothing to do with "someone joining the church or being brainwashed or wearing magic underwear or going to the temple." It is an inter-generational family story that illustrates what commitment to family members means, shown through a very difficult decision a family has to make together - a choice between two good options that will affect them all. Yes, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings, but nothing else from the church is shown other than the buildings the main character goes in and out of to get to her singing practices! I recommended it to my children and grandchildren as it has something for many age levels. One gal leaving the theater was 91 and she loved it as well.
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